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Governance as stewardship - keithlyonsme

ration (which did not necessarily match his/her pattern of personal preferences) generated a situation that gave rise to generalized trading within the POW camp with cigarettes used as currency (Radford 1945) In a total panic, a crowd movement becomes the reference point (Dupuy 1992)

Adaptive Exploration through Covariance Matrix Adaptation

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer1 ration decreases once a task has been learned (exploitation), An excellent discussion of the relationship between direct rein-

Social Reproduction and College Access: Current Evidence

Pierre Bourdieu defined social reproduction as a theoretical framework to analyze the role of schools or other social sites in the perpetuation of dominant cultures (Giroux 1983) As a theory of the oppressed, Bourdieu uses social capital theory to define three forms of capital—economic,

The Statutory Separation of Powers - Yale Law Journal

ration of powers” seeks to prevent the dominance of factions and ensure policy stability But sep-arating and balancing statutoryauthority is a delicate business: the optimal balance is difficult to calibrate ex ante, the balance is unstable, and there are risks that executive agencies in particular

Pharmacological modulation of subliminal learning in

Recherche (UMR 975), F-75013 Paris, France; cUniversite´ Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC-Paris 6), F-75013 Paris, France; dFe´de´ration de Neurologie, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re, Assistance Publique-Hoˆpitaux de Paris, F-75013 France; and eCentre de Re´fe´rence “Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette”, F-75013 Paris, France

Récit, pages 10-11 pages 12-13 Et aussi : y a-t-il un

cancer des testicules et du rein, ainsi que des maladies du foie et de la thyroïde, une hausse du taux de cholestérol et des perturbations du système reproductif ont été observées Au niveau européen, en janvier, l’Autorité sur la sécurité alimentaire (Efsa) a publié un rapport qui re-commande de diviser par 100 à 200

Erkenntnis und Befreiung 01 12 16 05 1919 V-1

raden Rudolf Großmann (Pierre Ramus) vom Bund „Erkenntnis und Befreiung“ ab­ gelehnt hat, sieht sich die Majorität der ersten Sektion veranlaßt, aus der Föde­ ration auszutreten und sich dem Bund „Erkenntnis und Befreiung“ anzuschließen Die Föderation hat aufgehört, eine Zusammenfassung "aller revolutionär-sozialisti­

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