[PDF] MESSAGE de l 'UFAC du 8 MAI 2017

US Customs and Border Protection Securing Americas Borders

SUMMARY: The U S Customs and Border Protection User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC) will meet on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, in Washington, DC The meeting will be open to the public DATE: The UFAC will meet on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, from 1 p m to 3:00 p m EDT

User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC)

subcommittee will evaluate the results and communicate them to the entire UFAC for consideration and future actions Update: Since the June 1, 2016, public meeting, the Subcommittee has held three conference calls and one in-person meeting to discuss its 2016 – 2017 work plan

User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC)

the independent assessment and communicate the results to the entire UFAC for consideration and future recommendations Update: Since the June 1, 2016, public meeting, the Subcommittee has held one conference call and one in-person meeting to discuss its 2016 – 2017 work plan


Microsoft Word - UFAC Charter Renewal CMOts_filed 22JUN2017 docx Author: BBEN1VB Created Date: 7/14/2017 10:32:14 AM

Call to order: 2:00 PM, September 6, 2017

Approval of April 12, 2017 meeting minutes Resolution: approval of UFAC Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2017 meeting minutes Upon a motion moved by Luke Cole and seconded by Mark Buscaino, by unanimous vote of all present, the Committee approved the UFAC Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2017 Status of fall 2017 tree planting plans


2:05–2:10 Corrections to, and approval of minutes from April 12, 2017 meeting 2:10–2:25 Fall planting efforts (UFD, Casey Trees, WPP, NPS, GSA) 2:25–2:35 2:35–3:00 3:00–3:25 Tree-planting grants past and present Streamlining planting on District properties Open discussion of new items for Council consideration 3:25–3:30 3:30


3:35–3:40 Corrections to, and approval of minutes from September 06, 2017 meeting 3:40–3:55 Fall planting efforts (UFD, Casey Trees, WPP, NPS, GSA) 3:55–4:20 4:20–4:40 4:40–4:50 USFS/DDOT UFIA Workforce Development discussion Open discussion of new items for Council consideration 4:50–5:00 5:00

District of Columbia Urban Forestry Advisory Council meeting

NOTE: Items in BOLD are follow-up items for discussion and presentation at the next UFAC meeting District of Columbia Urban Forestry Advisory Council meeting minutes—FINAL Call to order: 3:30 PM, April 12, 2017 Members Present – Mark Buscaino, Casey Trees – Delores Bushong, comm rep (phone) – Zach Dobelbower, DGS

User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC)

asking for discussion of the ideas to ensure the UFAC agrees with the approach he had outlined Commissioner Kerlikowske had some comments on Mr Mullen's report He said the message needed to come both from within the new DHS hierarchy and also from Members of Congress

Minutes of the University Faculty Affairs Committee (UFAC)

Aug 30, 2017 · Minutes of the University Faculty Affairs Committee (UFAC) August 30, 2017 3:30-4:45 PM, Mercer 131 Present: Cate Brewer, Courtney Clayton, Betsy Lewis, Miriam Liss (chair), Marie McAllister (secretary), Xiaofeng Zhao Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected I OLD BUSINESS 1) Mentoring and evaluating teaching

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