[PDF] acinus

Structure of a human pulmonary acinus - Thorax

Thetotal volumeofthe acinus was similar to that found in previous studies This branching pattern has not been described previously in a human acinus Departmentof ThoracicMedicine, RoyalNorthShore Hospital, StLeonards, NewSouthWales2065, Australia NBerend(also DepartmentofMedicine, UniversityofSydney) ACRynell, HEWard Reprintrequests to: Dr

Smaller is better—but not too small: A physical scale for the

gas-exchange units within the acinus, whether they be centrally located near the entrance or deep at the periphery of the acinus This condition is important because, due to the dichotomous branching mode, about half the gas-exchange surface of an acinus is located in its last generation A number of problems must be noted that will affect the

Mechanical Stabilization of the Glandular Acinus by Linker of

cally destabilizes the acinus Lumenal collapse occurs because the acinus is unstable to increased mechanical tension that is caused by upregulation of Rho-kinase-dependent non-muscle myosin II motor activity These findings provide a potential mechanistic explanation for how disruption of LINC complex may contribute to a loss of tissue structure

Liver Anatomy and Histology - MIT OpenCourseWare

Hepatic acinus • Rappaport, 1950’s • Portal tracts are headwater, elliptical zones spread to terminal hepatic (central) vein – Zone 1: Periportal, high enzyme & O2 – Zone 2: Intermediate – Zone 3: Perivenular, low O2, most susceptible to hypoxic injury • Simple & complex acini in berry-like bunches

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