[PDF] reflexion action citation

Estimation–Action–Reflection: Towards Deep Interaction

Action, which learns a dialogue policy to determine whether to ask attributes or recommend items, based on Estimation stage and conversation history; and (3) Reflection, which updates the recom-mender model when a user rejects the recommendations made by the Action stage We present two conversation scenarios on binary

Reflecting on ‘Reflective practice’ - NCSCEnet

routine thinking/action (guided by tradition or external authority) towards reflective action (involving careful, critical consideration of taken-for-granted knowledge) This way of conceptualising reflection crucially starts with experience and stresses how we learn from ‘doing’, i e practice

Chapter 1: Reflective Practice - SAGE Publications Ltd

reflective action, which would complete what was identified as the ‘reflec-tive cycle’ (Gore and Zeichner, 1991; Noffke and Brennan, 1988), which most theorists understand to be the purpose of engaging in reflection Indeed, some writers (e g Calderhead, 1989) are openly dismissive of reflec - tion that does not result in action

Reflection: What is it and why is it useful?

Reference: Gillett, A , Hammond, A and Martala, M (2009) Successful academic writing Harlow: Pearson Education Limited University of Edinburgh IAD www ed ac uk/iad

NUMBER 15 This Week’s Citation ClassicAPRIL 9, 1979

augmented the original action of reflexion by two others, expansion and contraction, and so the algorithm was born Its development benefitted considerably from each of us being able to try out the ideas of the previous evening on the other the following morning When compared with other algorithms of the time it did well, and seemed remarkably


Reflection-in-action Reflection-in-action is the hallmark of the experienced professional It means examining your own behaviour and that of others while in a situation (Schon, 1995; Schon, 1987) The following skills are involved: Being a participant observer in situations that offer learning opportunities;

Reflection - LearnHigher

Action learning: is a variation on learning by doing in which learners work in small groups called Action Learning Sets with the aim of collaborating to improve their individual performances over a period of time One participant explains to the group a situation which is problematic to her and to which no obvious solution is evident

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