[PDF] Catalogue of EPRS research publications

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Catalogue of EPRS research publications

Coup de pouce européen en faveur des jeunes Mar-14 At a Glance Libre circulation des travailleurs dans l'UE Mar-14 At a Glance European Union Pensions Policy Apr-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Employment , Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Sep-14 Briefing

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EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service

Catalogue of

EPRS research


January 2014 - June 2015


Catalogue of EPRS research publications

January 2014

June 2015

1. Members' Research Service ................................................................................................................ 3

EPOL - Economic Policies Unit ............................................................................................................................ 3

Economic and Monetary issues ................................................................................................................ 3

Internal Market and Customs Union ....................................................................................................... 3

Employment and Social Affairs ................................................................................................................. 4 Industry, Research and Energy .................................................................................................................. 4

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety ...................................................................................... 5

SPOL - Structural Policies Unit ............................................................................................................................ 6

Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Culture and Education ................................................................................................................................. 6

Fisheries ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Regional Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Transport and Tourism ................................................................................................................................. 7

CPOL - Citizens' Policies Unit ............................................................................................................................... 7

Constitutional Affairs .................................................................................................................................... 7

Civil liberties, Justice and Home affairs .................................................................................................. 8

Legal Affairs ...................................................................................................................................................... 9


............................................................................................................................................................ 9

Women's rights and gender equality .................................................................................................. 10

BPOL - Budgetary Policies Unit ........................................................................................................................ 10

Budget ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

Budgetary control ....................................................................................................................................... 10

XPOL - External Policies Unit ............................................................................................................................ 11

Foreign Affairs .............................................................................................................................................. 11

Africa, Caribbean and Pacific .................................................................................................................. 12

Asia and Pacific ............................................................................................................................................ 12

Central Asia ................................................................................................................................................... 13

Enlargement, Western Balkans and EEA ............................................................................................. 13

Eastern Europe ............................................................................................................................................. 14

Mediterranean and Middle East ............................................................................................................ 14

Latin America................................................................................................................................................ 14

Russia ............................................................................................................................................................... 15

Transatlantic Relations (USA-Canada) ................................................................................................. 15

Online publications ............................................................................................................................................. 15

2. Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value ...................................... 20

Ex-Ante Impact Assessment .................................................................................................................... 20

European Added Value ............................................................................................................................. 22

Ex-Post Impact Assessment and Policy Perfomance Appraisal ................................................. 23

European Council Oversight ................................................................................................................... 24

Scientific Foresight (STOA)

...................................................................................................................... 25

3. Directorate for the Library ............................................................................................................... 27

Historical Archives ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Citizens' Enquiries ....................................................................................................................................... 28

4. Strategy and coordination ............................................................................................................... 30

2 3 1.

Members' Research Service

EPOL - Economic Policies Unit

Title Date Type of publication

Economic and Monetary issues

Travailleurs saisonniers originaires de pays tiers Jan-14 At a Glance Attribution de contrats de concession Jan-14 At a Glance Selected indicators on the economic impact of the crisis Feb-14 Briefing Lutte de l'UE contre la fraude et l'évasion fiscales Mar-14 At a Glance Lithuania on the way towards euro adoption Jul-14 At a Glance Commissioners' hearings: Health and Food Safety Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Financial stability Financial services and Capital

Markets Union

Sep-14 Briefing

Commissioners' hearings: Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and


Sep-14 Briefing

Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector Nov-14 Briefing The regulatory framework for market abuse Nov-14 Summary The €315 billion Investment Plan for Europe Dec-14 At a Glance Review of the 'six-pack' and 'two-pack' Dec-14 At a Glance Covered bonds - ripe for expansion? Jan-15 Briefing The Group of Twenty (G20) : Setting the global agenda Jan-15 At a Glance Swiss decision to discontinue its exchange rate ceiling Jan-15 At a Glance Monetary policy of the ECB - Strategy, conduct and trends Feb-15 In-depth Analysis The ECB's Expanded Asset Purchase Programme: Will quantitative easing revive the euro area economy?

Feb-15 Briefing

ECB Annual Report 2013 Feb-15 At a Glance

A history of European monetary integration Mar-15 Briefing General Court rules trading in euro securities not to be restricted to euro area Mar-15 At a Glance

The tax policy debate Mar-15 At a Glance

European Semester: Annual Growth Survey 2015 Mar-15 At a Glance European long-term investment funds Mar-15 At a Glance Diverging views on the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in the US and Europe

Apr-15 At a Glance

Money market funds Apr-15 At a Glance

Planification fiscale agressive May-15 Briefing

Benchmarks in financial instruments May-15 At a Glance Understanding deflation - Falling prices and their impact on the economy Jun-15 Briefing Cornerstone of the Commission's Investment Plan - European Fund for

Strategic Investments (EFSI)

Jun-15 Briefing

The 2015 G7 summit: Seeking common ground on global issues Jun-15 Briefing

ETS Market Stability Reserve Jun-15 At a Glance

Economic governance framework: stocktaking and challenges Jun-15 At a Glance

Internal Market and Customs Union

Consumer programme 2014-20 Jan-14 At a Glance

Bitcoin Market-Economics and Regulation Apr-14 Briefing EU competition policy: key to a fair Single Market Jun-14 In-depth Analysis

Roaming charges in the EU Aug-14 At a Glance

Commissioners' hearings: Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Sep-14 Briefing

4 Commissioners' hearings: The Euro and Social Dialogue Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Competition Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and


Sep-14 Briefing

Commissioners' hearings: Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and


Sep-14 Briefing

Implementation of the 2014 European Semester Oct-14 At a Glance Food banks: helping to deal with food poverty Nov-14 Summary Ensuring Europe's parents can rely on the safety of toys Dec-14 At a Glance Tax policy in the EU: Issues and challenges Feb-15 In-depth Analysis Improving the financial literacy of consumers May-15 Briefing Tobacco agreements: Fighting illicit tobacco trade May-15 At a Glance TVA sur les livres numériques et journaux en ligne dans l'UE May-15 At a Glance Digital Single Market for Europe May-15 At a Glance Consumer protection aspects of mobile payments Jun-15 Briefing Conclusion of scientific cooperation agreements Jun-15 At a Glance Action plan on corporate taxation Jun-15 At a Glance

Employment and Social Affairs

Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Feb-14 At a Glance Une garantie européenne pour la jeunesse: Favoriser l'insertion sur le marché du travail

Feb-14 Briefing

Coup de pouce européen en faveur des jeunes Mar-14 At a Glance Libre circulation des travailleurs dans l'UE Mar-14 At a Glance

European Union Pensions Policy Apr-14 Briefing

Commissioners' hearings: Employment , Social Affairs, Skills and Labour


Sep-14 Briefing

Commissioners' hearings: Jobs Growth Investment and Competitiveness Sep-14 Briefing The European Union's response to Ebola Sep-14 At a Glance Unemployment and Labour Market Support Oct-14 At a Glance Employment and social aspects of the Europe 2020 strategy Nov-14 At a Glance Poverty risk, inequality and social exclusion Dec-14 At a Glance EU demographic indicators- Situation, trends and potential challenges Mar-15 Briefing

Industry, Research and Energy

Reshoring of EU manufacturing Mar-14 Briefing

Net neutrality in Europe Mar-14 Briefing

Measuring well-being and progress - Looking beyond GDP Mar-14 Briefing Social media in election campaigning Mar-14 Briefing Fair trade and consumers in the European Union Apr-14 At a Glance Public employment services in the EU: Facilitating mobility and employment

Apr-14 Briefing

Reducing the use of lightweight plastic carrier bags Apr-14 At a Glance Eurostars-2: support to research-performing SMEs Apr-14 At a Glance Older people in Europe-EU policies and programmes May-14 Briefing

Energy supply in the EU28 Jun-14 At a Glance

Social impact bonds: Private finance that generates social returns Aug-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings:Research, Science and Innovation Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Digital single market Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Digital economy and society Sep-14 Briefing The OECD - Promoting 'better policies for better lives' Oct-14 Briefing

A snapshot of industry in Europe Nov-14 Briefing

A connected Digital Single Market: State of play and the way forward Jan-15 Briefing Radio spectrum-A key resource for the Digital Single Market Mar-15 Briefing 5 Energy Union-New impetus for coordination and integration of energy policies in the EU

Mar-15 Briefing

The Internet of Things: Opportunities and challenges May-15 Briefing European Energy Security Strategy Jun-15 At a Glance

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Tackling food waste: The EU's contribution to a global issue Jan-14 Briefing

Fighting food fraud Jan-14 Briefing

Criminal sanctions for financial market abuse Jan-14 At a Glance

EU health programme 2014-20 Feb-14 At a Glance

Reducing CO2 emissions from new cars Feb-14 At a Glance

Fluorinated greenhouse gases Mar-14 At a Glance

Secure, clean and affordable energy for Europe Mar-14 At a Glance EU climate and energy policies post-2020: Energy security, competitiveness and decarbonisation

Mar-14 Briefing

Sécurité des consommateurs renforcée Apr-14 At a Glance Unconventional gas and oil in North America Jun-14 In-depth Analysis Commissioners' hearings: Climate Action and Energy Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Energy union Oct-14 Briefing

Reform of the EU carbon market Nov-14 Briefing

In vitro diagnostic medical devices Nov-14 Briefing

20th UN Climate Change Conference in Lima Nov-14 At a Glance

Convention on international trade in endangered species Dec-14 At a Glance Turning waste into a resource: Moving towards a 'circular economy' Dec-14 Briefing

Shale gas and EU energy security Dec-14 Briefing

EU biofuels policy: Dealing with indirect land use change Jan-15 Briefing Country of origin labelling for meat in processed foods Jan-15 At a Glance Towards a new international climate agreement Jan-15 At a Glance Member States' bans on GMO cultivation Jan-15 At a Glance Interchange fees for card-based payment transactions Feb-15 Briefing 'Best before' date labels: Protecting consumers and limiting food waste Feb-15 Briefing Negotiating a new UN climate agreement: Challenges on the road to Paris Mar-15 In-depth Analysis eHealth - Technology for health Mar-15 Briefing Ecosystem services- Valuing our natural capital Mar-15 Briefing Reducing air pollution: National emission ceilings for air pollutants Mar-15 Briefing

Ebola - un an après Mar-15 At a Glance

World Down Syndrome Day 2015 Mar-15 At a Glance

Safeguarding biological diversity - EU policy and international agreements Apr-15 In-depth Analysis Les médicaments dans l'UE: prix et accès Apr-15 Briefing Valorisation énergétique des déchets- Opportunités et défis Apr-15 Briefing

EU Alcohol Strategy revisited Apr-15 At a Glance

Curbing the use of lightweight plastic carrier bags Apr-15 At a Glance EU Legislation in Progress: Reducing air pollution - National emission ceilings for air pollutants

May-15 Briefing

Green growth and SMEs May-15 At a Glance

Multiple Sclerosis and employment issues May-15 At a Glance Excess weight poses hefty public health concerns May-15 At a Glance Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol May-15 At a Glance

Water use in the EU May-15 Briefing

Updating rules on novel foods to keep up with scientific advances Jun-15 Briefing Avian flu and human health concerns-Response to H5N8 outbreaks in the EU Jun-15 Briefing Scientific advice for policy-makers in the European Union Jun-15 Briefing Assistive technologies to support people with disabilities Jun-15 Briefing 6 Negative greenhouse gas emissions: Assessments of feasibility, potential effectiveness, costs and risks

Jun-15 Briefing

Understanding waste management: Policy challenges and opportunities Jun-15 Briefing Imports of GM food and feed: Right of Member States to opt out Jun-15 Briefing New EU actions to tackle antibiotic resistance Jun-15 At a Glance Moving towards a circular economy Jun-15 At a Glance Green jobs on the labour market Jun-15 At a Glance Understanding waste streams - Treatment of specific waste Jul-15 Briefing Developments in international climate policy Jul-15 At a Glance

SPOL - Structural Policies Unit

Title Date Type of publication


Les abeilles dans l'UE: un bilan de santé inquiétant Apr-14 Briefing

Small farms Apr-14 Briefing

Commissioners' hearings: Agriculture and rural development Sep-14 Briefing Les productions "bio" et l'Union européenne Feb-15 In-depth Analysis

A new impulse for EU forests Apr-15 At a Glance

Organic food: Helping EU consumers make an informed choice May-15 Briefing New scheme for fruit and milk in schools May-15 At a Glance The future of the EU dairy sector after the end of milk quotas Jun-15 Briefing Supporting young farmers in the EU Jun-15 Briefing EU action against the spread of olive tree disease Jun-15 At a Glance Producer organisations in the EU fruit and vegetable sector Jul-15 At a Glance

Culture and Education

Digital opportunities for education Mar-14 At a Glance

Youth Employment Initiative Mar-14 At a Glance

New technologies and open educational resources Apr-14 At a Glance New global interactive strategies for teaching and learning Apr-14 Briefing

Youth Employment Initiative Jun-14 At a Glance

Commissioners' hearings: Education, culture, youth and citizenship Sep-14 Briefing The EU's youth initiatives: focus on education and employment Oct-14 Briefing

The Creative Europe Programme Nov-14 At a Glance

An overview of Europe's film industry Dec-14 Briefing Supporting the EU film industry Dec-14 At a Glance Higher education in the EU: Approaches, issues and trends Mar-15 In-depth Analysis The EU institutions and inter-religious dialogue Mar-15 At a Glance Erasmus+: more than just mobility Mar-15 At a Glance

Endangered languages in the EU Apr-15 At a Glance

Implementing the Bologna Process: the follow-up Apr-15 At a Glance European film in the digital era Apr-15 At a Glance The challenges of copyright in the EU Jun-15 Briefing Anti-corruption measures in EU sports policy Jun-15 At a Glance Digitisation of Europe's film heritage Jul-15 Briefing


Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure Apr-14 At a Glance Fisheries: why technical measures matter Jun-14 In-depth Analysis Commissioners' hearings: Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sep-14 Briefing Bringing Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing rules into EU law Jan-15 At a Glance 7 Adapting EU fisheries legislation to the landing obligation Apr-15 Briefing Implementing the fish-landing obligation Apr-15 At a Glance Multiannual plan for fisheries in the Baltic Sea Apr-15 At a Glance Protecting seafarers under EU labour law Jul-15 At a Glance

Regional Policy

La politique européenne de développement rural Jul-14 At a Glance Commissioners' hearings: Regional Policy Sep-14 Briefing Crowdfunding: an alternative financing option for SMEs Nov-14 At a Glance The European Union and Northern Ireland Nov-14 At a Glance EU funding for the outermost regions Feb-15 At a Glance Community-led local development Mar-15 At a Glance The EU Strategy for the Danube Region May-15 Briefing

Developing an EU Urban Agenda Jul-15 Briefing

Transport and Tourism

Inland waterways in the EU Jan-14 Briefing

Air passenger rights Jan-14 At a Glance

Towards new tachograph rules Jan-14 At a Glance

Fourth Railway Package: an overview Feb-14 At a Glance Single European Sky: state of play Mar-14 At a Glance The European Union and tourism: challenges and policy responses Mar-14 Briefing Weights and dimensions of road vehicles in the EU Apr-14 At a Glance Mega trucks: a solution or a problem? May-14 Briefing

Tourism in the EU economy Jul-14 Briefing

Urban mobility: shifting towards sustainable transport systems Aug-14 In-depth Analysis Commissioners' hearings: Transport and Space Sep-14 Briefing La libéralisation des services portuaires européens: un état des lieux Oct-14 Briefing Motorways of the sea: the road is open Nov-14 At a Glance The Fourth Railway Package still divides Member States Dec-14 Briefing Cutting sulphur emissions from ships Feb-15 At a Glance EU-wide information exchange on traffic offences Feb-15 At a Glance 'Shift to Rail' - Research for EU rail transport Mar-15 At a Glance Employment conditions in road transport Mar-15 At a Glance Weights and dimensions of trucks and buses Mar-15 At a Glance Monitoring CO2 emissions in maritime transport Apr-15 At a Glance

Single European Sky Apr-15 Briefing

Strengthening air passenger rights in the EU May-15 Briefing

Cycling mobility in the EU May-15 Briefing

EFSI and the Trans-European Transport Network May-15 At a Glance The European Maritime Safety Agency Jul-15 At a Glance Multimodal integrated ticketing Jul-15 At a Glance

CPOL - Citizens' Policies Unit

Title Date Type of publication

Constitutional Affairs

Spinelli's legacy: the federal path Jan-14 At a Glance Human rights applied to CSDP operations and missions Jan-14 Briefing The German Constitutional Court's ruling on the ECB's bond-buying decision

Feb-14 At a Glance

Turnout in European elections Mar-14 At a Glance

8 Asylum and irregular immigration in the EU: state of play Mar-14 At a Glance

2014 European elections: national rules Apr-14 At a Glance

The European Parliament 2009-14: Five years' work in figures Jun-14 At a Glance Rules on political groups and non-attached Members Jun-14 At a Glance Freedom of movement and residence for EU citizens: access to social benefits

Jun-14 In-depth Analysis

Size of Political Groups in the new EP Jun-14 At a Glance Role and election of the President of the European Commission Jul-14 Briefing Hearing of European Commissioners-designate: Compendium of Briefings Sep-14 Briefing Commissioners' hearings: Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and Charter of Fundamental Rights

Sep-14 Briefing

Parliamentary hearings of the Commissioners-designate Sep-14 Briefing Setting EU priorities, 2014-19 - The ten points of Jean-Claude Juncker's political guidelines

Oct-14 Briefing

European Parliament: Facts and Figures Nov-14 Briefing The Open Method of Coordination Nov-14 At a Glance Disenfranchisement of EU citizens resident abroad Dec-14 In-depth Analysis Changed rules for qualified majority voting in the Council of the EU Dec-14 At a Glance Changes to the ECB's voting rules Jan-15 At a Glance Parliament's investigative powers - Committees of inquiry and special committees

Feb-15 Briefing

Fundamental Rights in the EU: The role of the Charter after the Lisbon


Mar-15 In-depth Analysis

Member States and the rule of law: Dealing with a breach of EU values Mar-15 Briefing Press freedom in the EU - Legal framework and challenges Apr-15 Briefing European Parliament: Facts and Figures Apr-15 Briefing The European Commission's right to withdraw a legislative proposal Apr-15 At a Glance Activity of the European Council May-15 At a Glance Rules on political groups in the EP Jun-15 Briefing Size of Political Groups in the EP Jul-15 At a Glance Civi l liberties, Justice and Home affairs A new chapter in the data retention controversy Jan-14 At a Glance Le contrôle des armes à feu dans l'UE Jan-14 Briefing Action de l'UE visant à réduire le commerce illicite du tabac Jan-14 Briefing Travailleurs saisonniers originaires de pays tiers Jan-14 At a Glance The European Investigation Order Feb-14 At a Glance Entry and residence of third-country nationals for research and study purposes

Feb-14 At a Glance

La confiscation des produits du crime dans l'UE Feb-14 At a Glance The revision of EU anti-money laundering tools Mar-14 At a Glance Big data: opportunities and privacy concerns Mar-14 At a Glance The problem of human trafficking in the European Union Apr-14 Briefing

EU approach to cyber-security Apr-14 At a Glance

European Arrest Warrant (EAW) Jun-14 At a Glance

Commissioners' hearings: Migration and Home Affairs Sep-14 Briefing La violence à l'égard des enfants dans l'UE Nov-14 In-depth Analysis Internal Security Strategy: open and safe Europe Dec-14 At a Glance CBRN terrorism: threats and the EU response Jan-15 Briefing Towards a new European Agenda on Security Jan-15 At a Glance European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Feb-15 At a Glance Cross-border parental child abduction Feb-15 At a Glance Frontex - Management of Europe's borders Feb-15 At a Glance Asylum in the EU: Facts and Figures Mar-15 Briefing 9 Religious fundamentalism and radicalisation Mar-15 Briefing EU legal framework on asylum and irregular immigration 'on arrival' Mar-15 Briefing Accountability of EU regulatory agencies Mar-15 At a Glance New EU tools to fight money laundering Apr-15 At a Glance The proposed EU passenger name records (PNR) directive - Revived in the new security context

Apr-15 Briefing

Irregular immigration in the EU: Facts and Figures Apr-15 Briefing The Return Directive: Seeking improved implementation Apr-15 Briefing EU Readmission Agreements: Facilitating the return of irregular migrants Apr-15 Briefing

Smart Borders package Apr-15 At a Glance

Setting up the European Public Prosecutor's Office Apr-15 At a Glance

EU policy for Roma inclusion Apr-15 At a Glance

The rights of LGBTI people in the EU May-15 Briefingquotesdbs_dbs11.pdfusesText_17