[PDF] Les homophones ES EST ET CE2

WORD LIST: HOMOPHONES Words that sound the same but are

HOMOPHONES Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings ad/add affect/effect ail/ale aisle/I'll ant/aunt ate/eight be/bee beach/beech beat/beet bald/bawled bare/bear base/bass billed/build blew/blue by/bye/buy cell/sell cent/scent/sent chili/chilly close/clothes days/daze dear/deer do/dew/due die/dye died/dyed

The BIG List of Homophones - Conversation Friends Data Site

As you look through this homophones list, keep in mind that some words may be homophones only in certain areas For example, merry and Mary sound alike in many regions, but not in others If you disagree with a homophone set, feel free to ignore it It may not be a homophone in your area, but it is somewhere else The BIG List of Homophones A

Homophones - K5 Learning

Homophones Reading and math for K-5 www k5learning com Circle the correct homophone He was (cent / sent) on an errand to the store Let’s (berry / bury) our treasure (Which / Witch) way is the beach?

Homophones - K5 Learning

Homophones Reading and math for K-5 www k5learning com Circle the correct homophone A (hair / hare) raced with a tortoise Christopher Columbus set (sail / sale) for the New World in 1492 Please, (wait / weight) just a moment They started working (right / write) away Many trees lose (there/ their) leaves in the winter Butter is (made

55 homophone worksheets Entry 3- Level 2 spelling Ww/L11 Ww/L2

Spell correctly words most often used at work, studies & daily life Understand that spelling of homophones is related to meaning & grammar Each sentence has words in it that sound the same Delete the incorrect word in every sentence 1 Over their there is my small car 2 This is the mane main road 3 This piece of glass is for the window

Practicing Homophones - School Specialty

Practicing Homophones Identify and define homophones; use homophones in sentences Language Arts Lesson Pack » Confusing Words Lesson Packs are selections from popular EPS series, grouped together by skill They include teaching tips, alignment with standards and extensions for use in the classroom They are just one component of Lesson

Homonyms, Homographs, Homophones - English Worksheets

Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones Homonyms: Words that have the same spelling and same pronunciation, but different meanings Directions: Choose (a) or (b) Example: I hope you are not lying _(a)_ to me (a) telling a lie My books are lying _(b)_ on the table (b) being in a horizontal position 1


Homophones Some of these words are homophones Circle them pair late mummy plaice hour mane hear care oar paint waste rice seen check rain sweat reed father plug Copy this passage out, correcting the homophones as you do: It was knight and the sky was pooring with reign The hole ship rocked on the stormy see and the wind blue hard tearing the

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