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Patient Information Sheet: Baclofen for Alcohol Addiction

Baclofen is a medication which has been used in medicine for over 40 years to ease muscle spasms in patients with conditions such as paraplegia and multiple sclerosis In 2004, a French doctor Olivier Ameisen, suffering from alcohol addiction, discovered the anti-craving and anti-anxiety effects of baclofen by treating himself

Patient Information Sheet: Baclofen for Alcohol Addiction

Patient Information Sheet: Baclofen for Alcohol Addiction What is baclofen? Baclofen is a medication which has been used in medicine for over 40 years to ease muscle spasms in patients with conditions such as paraplegia and multiple sclerosis In 2004, a French doctor Olivier Ameisen, suffering from alcohol addiction,

Treating alcohol withdrawal with oral baclofen: A randomized

alcohol Baclofen is a pure GABA-B receptor ago-nist,12 and its GABA-B stimulatory effect is main-tained even in habituated alcoholics 13,14 The absence of cross-tolerance between baclofen and ethanol sug-gests that low doses of baclofen may be helpful in the management of AWS Currently, AWS is usually managed with benzodia-


used the racemic baclofen [RS(±)-baclofen], however, recent data showed that the effect of baclofen on alcohol intake may be enantiomer dependent Here we used the gold standard animal model of alcohol dependence with the aim of analyzing the effects of the RS-baclofen and its enantiomers, R-baclofen and S-baclofen,

High-dose baclofen for the treatment of alcohol dependence

dependent effect of baclofen on alcohol consumption in rodents treated with dosages up to 3 mg/kg ( Colombo et al , 2003 ), as well as positive case reports in alcohol-dependent patients receiving high-dose baclofen up to 270 mg/d ( Ameisen, 2005), the present RCTaimed to investigate the ef ficacy and safety of

NCT number NCT01980706 Document Date 29March2018

Ascertaining the effects of standard and high-dose baclofen, the predictive value of heavy drinking on baclofen response and the anxiolytic effect of baclofen are important goals towards determining whether baclofen has true value for the clinical management of the patient with alcohol dependence

Baclofen: Hope for alcoholism Volume 26 Number 14 treatment

Baclofen: Hope for alcoholism treatment, but more trials needed There is a need to discover new medications for alcoholism, because there is not just one kind of alcohol-ism, according to researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) While di-sulfiram, acamprosate and naltrex-one, the three medications approved

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