The Ethics of Procreation and Adoption

Jun 04, 2019 · procreation is morally impermissible but that it is a morally problematic act and procreators may be held responsible for the harms they impose on their children (139) Ina newbook,TheRiskofLifetime,Rivka Weinberg arguesthatprocreation isnot agift,for

The Christian and Assisted Procreation

Francis: Assisted Procreation 6 surrogacy and third party arrangements Cloning You may be surprised to find cloning on the list of assisted procreation techniques Cloning, technically, is an assisted procreation technique because it involves the procreation of a new individual using genetic material

Conditional Reasons and the Procreation Asymmetry

Procreation Asymmetry amongst population ethicists is that, to date, all attempts at fleshing out and defending this intuition have encountered serious difficulties In particular, I claim, there are three minimal adequacy conditions which no existing account of the Procreation Asymmetry has so far managed to satisfy

Postmodern Procreation: A Cultural Account of Assisted

Postmodern Procreation: A Cultural Account of Assisted Reproduction Sarah Franklin What is in crisis here is the symbolic order, the conceptualisation of the relationship between nature and culture such that one can talk about the one through the other Nature as a ground for meaning can no longer be taken for granted if Nature itself is

Catholic Teaching and the Law Concerning the New Reproductive

procreation The Church has established a baseline to enable us begin this analysis: The fundamental values connected with the techniques of artifi-cial human procreation are two: the life of the human being called into existence and the specific nature of the transmission of human life in marriage

The Meaning of Paternity and the Virgin Birth Debate

Procreation beliefsfrom a Turkish village In the village where I worked, gender definitions, that is, cultural notions of male and female, derive from the symbolically interpreted perception of their role in procreation The theory of procreation can be stated very simply The male is said to plant the seed and the woman is said to be like a field

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