[PDF] Probabilités : tableaux `a double entrée

1ES Probabilit´es : tableaux `a double entr´ee lecture d’un

1ES Probabilit´es : tableaux `a double entr´ee Exercice 4 Un magasin vend des salons de jardin Une enquˆete statistique a montr´e que : – 10 des personnes qui entrent dans le magasin ach`etent une table; – parmi les personnes qui ach`etent une table, 80 ach`etent un lot de chaises;

MATHS-LYCEEFR Seconde Probabilit es

Chapitre 10 : tableau a double entr ee et calculs de probabilit es EXERCICE 10-9-1 temps estim e:10-15mn Voici les r esultats d’un sondage e ectu e aupr es de 2000 personnes a propos d’Internet : - 70 des personnes interrog ees d eclarent utiliser Internet,


2 2 Utilisation de tableaux Un tableau a double entr ee permet de d eterminer des probabilit es conditionnelles La probabilit e de l’ ev enement A \B se situe a l’intersection de la ligne A et de la colonne B La derni ere ligne et la derni ere colonne du tableau contiennent les probabilit es des ev enements : A, A, A A Total B P (A\B) P


11 Suppose that a football player makes eld goals with a probability of 0:9 If she has 4 attempts in a game, and each attempt is independent, what is the probability that she makes at least 2 eld goals? (Choose the closest answer) (a) 0 9963 (b) 0 6561 (c) 0 9477 (d) 0 9999 (e) 0 6562 (f) None of the above 12

Last updated on Dec 6, 2018 Contents

you bet $1 on red (n = 18), you win $1 with probability 18/37 and lose $1 with probability 19/38, so your expected payoff is -$1/37 All bets with a fixed total bet b are optimal with expected payoff -b/37 There are many other variations of roulettes A student asked me why they do not use 36/n - 1 for the top row bet

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2 avoid double lines; 3 place the units in the heading of the table (instead of the body); 4 do not use quotation marks to repeat the content of cells To better understand the importance of these simple rules, the reader can compare tab 1 and 2 2 The majority of L A TEX packages has a manual which describes how to use it and usually

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effect of the entire credit loss on a loan over its lifetime, weighted by the probability that this loss will occur in the next 12 months It is also not the credit losses on loans that are forecast to actually default in the next 12 months If an entity can identify such loans or a portfolio of such loans that are expected to

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2 2 2 Other Monoalphabetic Substitutions • Another variation – – p (l ) = (3 × l ) mod 26 Plaintext A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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