[PDF] PowerPoint 2010 - Campus Bruxelles


• Alliance between ULB and VUB, created in 2010 • Main goals : • Develop synergies and joint projects between the two Brussels universities in the following areas: • Teaching • Infrastructures and logistics • Research • Community services • Masters of Bruface as the first joint teaching project between ULB and VUB • More info

UNICA Green Academic Footprint Network

• Université libre de Bruxelles • Université de Lausanne • Universidade de Lisboa • University of Oslo • Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata • Tallinn University Role: > Coordination, preparation of workshops, schools, exchange of ideas Present Chairs: > Université Libre de Bruxelles and Université de Lausanne 4 2

A Wallonie-Bruxelles-supported mission of the Université

Apr 13, 2011 · Official program supported by "Wallonie-Bruxelles" to help implementing "Clinical Pharmacy" and "Optimized use of antibiotics" in Hanoi through the University of Pharmacy • Application made in 2009 by the Cellular and Molecular Group of the Louvain Drug Research Institute (UCL) and the University of Pharmacy (Hanoi) for execution in 2010-2012 •


2008 tot 2010 werkte hij als wetenschappelijk medewerker aan het onderzoeksinstituut Arbeid en Samenleving (HIVA-KULeuven) mee aan beleidsgericht onderzoek naar het Belgisch armoedebeleid binnen de Europese context Van 2013 tot 2014 was hij werkzaam aan het departement Onderwijskunde van de

DEVELOPING SKILLS OF NGOS Project Proposal Writing

2) Understanding the role of project proposals in project management • The project proposal is atool — not a goal It should be followed as closely as pos-sible, and deviations should occur only when necessary

Large Valorisation on Sustainability of Steel Structures

Since 2010, the work of the Technical Committee TC350 has been implemented into a new series of European standards for the assessment of the environmental impacts of buildings (EN15643-2:2011, EN15978:2011, EN15804:2012) These new standards involve a modular concept for life cycle analysis (see Figure 1-3), modules A

Prof of Classical Archaeology

AUTH school of history and archaeology - evaluation report 2014 Prehistoric, Classical and Byzantine Archaeology -

Institutions and challenges of the European Union

Bruxelles: De Boeck, 2011, p 19-40 Renaud DEHOUSSE, Paul MAGNETTE L’évolution du système institutionnel In Renaud DEHOUSSE (ed) Politiques européennes Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2009 p 31–51 Robin HERTZ, Dirk LEUFFEN Too big to run? Analysing the impact of enlargement on the speed of EU decision-making

[PDF] PowerPoint 2010 - Campus Bruxelles

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