[PDF] power notion bac


BAC ANGLAIS ORAL Forms and Places of Power JENNY Mathieu – TS1 ANGLAIS ORAL – Fiche récap’ notion FORMS AND PLACES OF POWER Introduction The organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups on a political, social or economic level

Power - Anglais bac

The limits to power Is power abused? — Are there counterpowers? Is power limited? How? Build up your vocabulary Using a separate sheet of paper, complete this mind map during the year with words referring to the notion hallenge = defy Disobedience Revolution emopstration prisipg (soulèvemen Opposition Qiot (émeute) Rebellion Democracy

Notion 3: Places/People and Forms of Power

According to the dictionary, POWER is: The capacity or ability to do something or act in a particular way The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events Political or social authority or control, especially that exercised by a government After watching the Prezi, according to you, write about POWER

Power : Types & Sites - Anglais bac

Power (n ) I paoal: a right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body legitimacy — resistance The notion of power generally implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it As a consequence, the exercise of power within a community requires that its members accept

BAC NOTION ISSUE: How can you be

BAC NOTION - PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Issue: How can you be influential at school? PROJECT: DELIVER A CONVINCING SPEECH TO BE ELECTED STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITY: LISTENING COMPREHENSION - scene script - (Chris Rock) Even though I didn't have a speech , I did have something to say

Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Introduire la notion tirée au sort I am going to talk about the idea of / myths and heroes / the idea of progress / seats and forms of power / spaces and exchanges I'm going to deal with the notion In relation with the notion, the subject/topic of my presentation will be I would like to start with a definition of the notion

Fiche de présentation de la notion : places and forms of

Fiche de présentation de la notion : places and forms of power Power : the ability to influence people's decisions or a way to regulate society through laws in a democracy However, sometimes used against the common interest through violence and coertion (dictatorships / slavery) the law of the strongest Link between the notion and the theme :


In relation to the notion, the topic of my presentation will be the power of media We may wonder to what extent the press can be considered as a form of power The 4th power Counter power 1 - The press The press is commonly nicknamed the 4th power The three first powers being the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers

Bac Oral Tableau récapitulatif des documents étudiés par

Bac Oral Tableau récapitulatif des documents étudiés par notion Space and Exchanges Places and Forms of Power The idea of Progress Myths and Heroes Immigration = mass movement: history of immigration to the USA (video) causes (video) hopes and disillusions / The American Dream (Becoming an American (text) + Uncle Sam (Propaganda document)

SEGREGATION locations & forms of power (“Deep South” & “Jim

SEGREGATION – locations & forms of power (“Deep South” & “Jim Crow”) Docs: 1-poem “One-Way Ticket” by Langston Hughes 2-film extract from « The help » (scene 2; 14’’14 à 15’’40) 3-photo: Civil Rights Protest March 4-text Civil Rights Heroes Common points in all documents

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