[PDF] conclusion synonyme

Conclusion - University of Ottawa

Conclusion The conclusion is an account of the body—it focuses on the outcomes of the argumentation It constitutes the last 10 of a paper and consists of two sections: the summary and the final thought Because the reader's final impression will influence his or her perception of the rest of the paper, the conclusion is your


WRITING AN EFFECTIVE CONCLUSION The form and substance of a conclusion in a piece of legal writing is typically dictated by its audience Specifically, conclusions take a different form in internal office memoranda than they do in documents submitted directly to a court This tip sheet will help you to write effective conclusions in either of these

Conclusions for an Informative Essay

The rubric states “Conclusion powerfully follows from and supports the information or explanation presented—while explaining the significance of the topics ” For a “4” your conclusion needs a little “spice” or “punch ” Create something that raises the eyebrows of the reader and makes him or her say, “Nice I like that ”

Smarter Balanced Construct Relevant Vocabulary for English

conclusion drawn/drawing a conclusion connect ideas (transitions in writing) synonym title topic trustworthy source underlined verb(s)/verb tense 3

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