[PDF] 2015-2016 AcadGrenoble Informatique et création numérique (ICN)

Formation Algorithmique 2015-2016 Académie de Grenoble

2015-2016 Académie de Grenoble En collaboration avec le groupe IREM de Grenoble 1 informatique en réseau sollicitant le stockage des données partagées

Curriculum vitae

Journal, 53:156 166, 2016 Neuro-computing Mahyar Shahsavari, Philippe Devienne, Pierre Boulet, \N2S3, a Simulator for the Architec-ture Exploration of Neuromorphic Accelerators", 2nd International Workshop on Neuromor-phic and Brain-Based Computing Systems (NeuComp 2015), in DATE Conference, Grenoble, France, March 2015

Curriculum vitae

Journal, 53:156 166, 2016 Neuro-computing Mahyar Shahsavari, Philippe Devienne, Pierre Boulet, \N2S3, a Simulator for the Architec-ture Exploration of Neuromorphic Accelerators", 2nd International Workshop on Neuromorphic and Brain-Based Computing Systems (NeuComp 2015), in DATE Conference, Grenoble, France, March 2015

Laurent Charles Louis BARATCHART V I T A - Inria

CNRS), Luminy, 2015 (plenary speaker) 25-th St-Petersburg Summer Meeting in Mathematical Analysis, St-Petersburg 2016 New Trends in Approximation Theory, Fields Institute, Toronto 2016 Quasilinear equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications, Moscow Institute of Technology, Dolgoprundy 2016 (plenary speaker) SIGMA 2016, Luminy, 2016

Curriculum Vitae - IECL

Invitation and seminar talk at University of Freiburg by Nadine Groˇe, 14-15/11/2016 Invitation at University of Greifswald by Ines Kath, 5-12/08/2016 Invitation at University of Stuttgart by Uwe Semmelmann, 18-22/07/2016 Invitation at University of Greifswald by Ines Kath, 2-12/08/2015

CV de Noe Cuneo

2016 N Cuneo and J -P Eckmann Non-equilibrium steady states for chains of four rotors Communications in Mathematical Physics, 345(1):185{221, 2016 2015 N Cuneo, J -P Eckmann, and C Poquet Non-equilibrium steady state and subgeometric ergodicity for a chain of three coupled rotors Nonlinearity, 28(7):2397{2421, 2015


2004 Prix Doisteau-Blutet, Acad emie des Sciences, Paris 3 2001 M edaille de Bronze (Bronze Medal), CNRS, France 4 GRANTS 2015-2020 Member of team "Bekam" ANR project (PI: Rapha el Krikorian) e304 449, ANR-15-CE40-0001-03 2014{2019 PI of French-Austrian ANR-FWF project \Dynamics and CR geometry" e169 800, ANR-14-CE34-0002-01 (with Bernhard

Curriculum vitˆ Etat civil

2016 Une vid eo pour le projet de promotion des math ematiques 5 minutes Lebesgue 2015-16 Club de Maths de l’Universit e de Nantes : co-organisation et plusieurs expos es 2015-16 CH A T S : projets th e^atraux d’inspiration math ematique pour des lyc eens 2015 F^ete de la Science : animations

Singularit es, feuilletages et applications a la g eom etrie

2016 : F V Atkinson teaching award, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 2014 : Prix de th ese des amis des Universit es de l’Acad emie de Strasbourg, Soci et e des amis des universit es de l’acad emie de Strasbourg, France 2008 : Merit to excel in the bachelor course of Pure Mathematics, University of S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brasil i

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