[PDF] fonction maple

Section 5: Functions: Defining, Evaluating and Graphing

In general, this kind of assignment should be avoided in Maple The second input creates an expression, not a function Below is a comparison of an expression and a function Note the difference in syntax and how Maple returns the output for each This is the expression, y := (x+2)/(x^3+5*x+2); and this is the function f := x -> (x+2)/(x^3+5*x+2);

Expressions vs Functions vs Programs in Maple

Expressions vs Functions vs Programs in Maple One issue that often causes confusion is the distinction Maple makes between "expressions" and "functions" Sometimes, the same confusion exists in ordinary mathematics, between "variables" and "functions" The idea is pretty straightforward, but can be hard to keep track of sometimes

Transfer Functions, Poles and Zeros - Waterloo Maple

a Maple window In the launched worksheet, select the DCMotor subsystem in the drop-down menu for Step 1: Subsystem Selection and then click Load Selected Subsystem Under DAE Variables rename the variables to simplify the equations Rename I2_phi(t), I2_w(t),SV1_n_v(t), emf1_p_i(t) and u1(t) as phi(t), w(t),

Complex numbers in Maple (I, evalc, etc)

To force Maple to report a complex number in "a+bI" format, there is the command evalc (for "evaluate as a complex number" -- it is similar to evalf which forces decimal, or floating point, evaluation): > evalc(exp(z)); e4 cos(5) + I e4 sin(5)

Maple Lecture 16 Maple Procedures and Recursion

Maple Lecture 16 Maple Procedures and Recursion Maple procedures can take procedures as input and give procedures on return We will also see how to work with indexed procedures With a remember table we can make recursive procedures to run efficiently The material in this lecture in inspired on [2, Section 8 4]

Maple Cheat Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts

Maple Cheat Sheet Based on Maple 12/13 Windows Version Syntax; Ends a command with a semicolon e g 5+6; plot(x);: Suppresses the display of output by ending a command with a

Lecture 3: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms

Maple commands int inttrans fourier invfourier animate 1 Fourier series of functions with finite support/periodic functions If a function is defined in or periodic as in , it can be expanded in a Fourier series :

TPMaple 9 Représentationdescourbesplanes

TP Maple 9 — Représentation des courbes planes Lycée Janson-de-Sailly MPSI4 2010 - 2011 2 Expressionvs fonction Maple peut représentergraphiquementdes expressions ou des fonctions numériques La syn-

Oraux-MAPLE - 2009

vecA MAPLE, tracer sur un même schéma les graphes de la fonction sinus et du polynôme P= at2 +bt+cqui réalise ce minimum Sujet 4 : Séries de ourierF : On appelle fla fonction 2π-périodique telle que ∀x∈]−π,π[,f(x) = x3 1- a) vecA MAPLE, tracer le graphe de la fonction fsur l'intervalle [−3π,3π]

Tutoriel Sage

notamment PARI, GAP, Singular, Maxima, KASH, Magma, Maple et Mathematica Sage cherche à unifier et étendre les logiciels existants — Être bien documenté : tutoriel, guide du programmeur, manuel de référence, guides pratiques, avec de nom-breux exemples et une discussion des concepts mathématiques sous-jacents

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