[PDF] transcription corpus oral "+" pause "++" pause interruption soupir accentué

Orality and Difficulties in the Transcription of Spoken Corpora

necessary to discuss some features of the corpus used, focusing on those which are related to its design and distribution 2 Description of the corpus C-ORAL-ROM is a multilingual spontaneous speech corpus (Cresti et al , 2002) of the four main roman languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Each subcorpus consists of around 300,000 words

Transcription and annotation of a Japanese accented spoken

The corpus contains the oral tests of the 20 informants throughout their two first academic years of Spanish study (from 1/4/2010 to 31/3/2012), which corresponds to the A1 and A2 levels in the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning (Council of Europe, 2001 ) Oral tests took place every six months, and consisted

[PDF] règles de transcription d'un entretien

[PDF] exemple de transcription

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