[PDF] reading comprehension and precis pdf

S 1, MODULE 1 VOLUME HORAIRE Reading Comprehension and Précis 1

Reading Comprehension and Précis 1 45 OBJECTIFS: This module introduces the student to comprehension skills in English It trains the student in reading and understanding different structures of meaning, style features, lexis, and logic of construction In conjunction with the comprehension course, this course trains the students to


Reading Comprehension and Précis 1 45 OBJECTIFS: This module introduces the student to comprehension skills in English It trains the student in reading and understanding different structures of meaning, style features, lexis, and logic of construction In conjunction with the comprehension course, this course trains the students to


Reading Comprehension Practice Test Page 3 Question 7 ‘More distance is needed to safely stop in rain or poor visibility ’ We can infer from this that: A: people drive faster in rain and poor visibility B: the writer is merely calculating on the safe side C: braking is more hazardous in rain and poor visibility

Précis Assignment: An Overview

than one or two paragraphs that demonstrate your reading comprehension and ability to write and report clearly and succinctly about another person’s writing or speech The “Guided Précis Writing” below outlines reading and writing strategies that help in your writing a successful précis The final précis should:

Stories for reading comprehension 1 - LIEN

written to replace my Comprehension and Precis Pieces, and Further Comprehension and Precis Pieces written with R D S Fielden In this series of reading comprehension passages, the vocabu­ lary and structures are carefully graded The grading follows that of the Longman Structural Readers Book 1 of this series


as chapters in your text on summary writing and critical reading in your text, and also handouts you’ve received in class STEPS TO CRITICAL READING 1 Consider what the title tells you about the essay 2 Try to learn something about the author 3 Determine the purpose of the essay (persuasion, exposition, personal expression) 4


The challenge of teaching reading comprehension is heightened in the current educational era because all students are expected to read more text and more complex texts Schools can no longer track students so that only those with highly developed reading skills take the more reading-intensive courses All


Reading comprehension success in 20 minutes a day —3rd ed p cm ISBN 1-57685-494-9 (paper) 1 Reading comprehension—Problems, exercises, etc I Title II Title: Reading comprehension success in twenty minutes a day LB1050 45 C45 2005 428 4—dc22 2005047184 Printed in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Third Edition

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