[PDF] DOUM PALM AND ITS PRODUCTS: A source of income to

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Effect of Blending Doum (Hyphaene thebaica) Powder with Wheat

Doum Fruit, Wheat Flour, Cake, Rheological, Physicochemical, Sensory Properties 1 Introduction Doum fruit, (Hyphaene thebaica) is a desert palm growing wild throughout the drier regions in Egypt, Sub- (Saharan) Africa, and west India It listed as one of the useful plants of the world [1] It has been cultivated in Egypt since immemorial times

Rehabilitation of the Doum Palm Trees

doum tree plant in selling these products along the road in the West Coast at low prices that may be sufficient to sustain a living and were either sold to local community or marketed in the urban centre The role of doum trees in protecting the environment The presence of Doum tree palm colonies is accompanied by

Effect of Doum (Hyphaene Thebaica) Fruit Water Extract on

Doum (Hyphaene thebaica) fruit define as an edible fruit with oval shape comes from a desert palm tree The doum palm naturally found in northern half of Africa and Arabian Peninsula (Vandenbeldt, 1992) The mesocarp in some palm is very aromatic and sweet with a taste like ginger bread Doum fruit has been used as an anti-hyperlipidemia drug


Freeze-drying of doum extract The doum extracts were frozen at –18°C and then freeze dried using a freeze dryer (Christ, Alpha 1–2 LD plus, Osterode, Germany) at –52°C for 48 hr, at pressure below 0 1 mPa The dried extract was manu-ally ground to fine powder and kept at –18°C until en-capsulation and analysis

DOUM PALM AND ITS PRODUCTS: A source of income to

The doum palm provides a range of products Currently, communities in Northern Kenya have diversified the use of doum palm into various basketry products that can be marketed to generate income to poor households How to make Doum palm products Step 1 Identify the best young suckers from the palm Rendille woman cuts young suckers of doum palm

Keyword(s): Morning Song, Gesture song, Silence, Imagination

©2011 European Music Portfolio – A creative way into languages (www emportfolio eu) Keyword(s): passing game, body percussion, singing Oracy ge bout on cy Vocabulary

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