[PDF] adaptive learning big data

Adaptive Learning Process for the Evolution of Ontology

adaptive learning process to consistently adapt the ontology- described classification model according to a non-stationary stream of unstructured text data in Big Data context

Personalized adaptive learning: an emerging pedagogical

The emergence of personalized adaptive learning is due to the rise of big data technology, data is generated in more and more ways and faster and faster speed, which has spawned Data-Intensive Science, the fourth scientific research paradigm (Hey et al 2009) Under the influence of data-intensive science, personalized adaptive learning has

Context-Adaptive Big Data Stream Mining

most prior online learning algorithms, for which such online performance bounds have not been proven Index Terms—Stream mining, context-adaptive learning, dis-tributed multi-user learning, contextual bandits I INTRODUCTION A plethora of Big Data applications including network monitoring [1], surveillance [2] and health monitoring [3] (see

Context-Adaptive Big Data Stream Mining - Online Appendix

Keywords: Stream mining, context-adaptive learning, dis-tributed multi-user learning, contextual bandits, regret bounds, concept drift I INTRODUCTION A plethora of Big Data applications (network monitoring [1], surveillance [2], health monitoring [3], stock market prediction, intelligent driver assistance [4], etc ) are emerging

Global development of AI-based education

At the initial stage of applying intelligent adaptive learning technology, China is lagging behind in the accumulation of related data Intelligent adaptive learning technology has been used in the US and Europe for more than 10 years, with over 100 million users across different ages Intelligent adaptive education companies in the

Building the world’s most powerful education recommendation

3 What Knewton means by ‘adaptive learning’ 4 Theories & approaches behind Knewton recommendations 6 Why the Knewton Adaptive Learning PlatformTM is so effective 9 Big data & adaptive infrastructure 11 Knewton Adaptive Learning in the classroom 12 How Knewton Adaptive Learning engages students 13 How Knewton Adaptive Learning empowers teachers

Exploring Adaptive Teaching Competencies in Big Data Era

Paper—Exploring Adaptive Teaching Competencies in Big Data Era appropriate with personal learning needs In further, transferring such data from their activities can be generated in the approach

A Short Guide to Adaptive Learning in English Language Teaching

Introduction’ & This&short&book&is&intended&to&be&aguide&to&adaptive&learning&in&English&languageteaching&(ELT) It&is,& necessarily,&a&rather&speculative&account

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