[PDF] 16pf interpretation

Cattell Comprehensive Personality Interpretation AN - 16pf

Jul 07, 2016 · Cattell Comprehensive Personality Interpretation Ima M Leeder Introduction July 7, 2016 2 Introduction This confidential report is designed for use by appropriately qualified professionals The presentation of information is compact and the language of the report is technical It was not intended to be used for client feedback

16PF Interpretive Report Sample - Pearson Assessments

Jun 11, 2013 · situational opportunities and constraints This interaction effect is likely to be particularly true of 16PF sten scores in the mid-range on the profile; that is, scores lying at or between stens 4 and 7, and especially those at stens 5 and 6 Therefore, interpretation of these scores can be one of the more challenging aspects when providing

The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)

Questionnaire (16PF) Heather E P Cattell and Alan D Mead INTRODUCTION The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a comprehensive measure of normal-range personality found to be effective in a variety of settings where an in-depth assess-ment of the whole person is needed The 16PF traits, presented in Table 7 1, are the result of

Interpretive Report - 16 MBTI Personality Types

be treated responsibly The 16PF®5 Administrator's Manual contains background information and detailed explanations of the material covered in this report

16PF Basic Comprehensive Summary Report

16PF Basic Comprehensive Report Ms XXX Overview Dec 2015 3 Interpretation of 16PF Scores Sten Factor Meaning Behavioural Indicators 5 Warmth Warmth is the satisfaction derived from emotionally close relationships; the extent to which you enjoy getting to know 'what makes others tick' Reserved relationship with others

Interpretive Report SAMPLE - consultjbarrett

Jul 16, 2010 · situational opportunities and constraints This interaction effect is likely to be particularly true of 16PF sten scores in the mid-range on the profile; that is, scores lying at or between stens 4 and 7, and especially those at stens 5 and 6 Therefore, interpretation of these scores can be one of the more challenging aspects when providing

16 Personality Factors (16PF) - 12-16-2010

completion The 16PF Fifth Edition is the current version of the test Author: Raymond Cattell To Obtain Survey 16 Personality Factors (16PF) Reliability and Validity Moderate to good reliability rating have been reported for the 16PF Based on a sample of 10,261

16pf Sixth Edition Profile Report - PSI Online

inhibited by specific situations This is likely to be particularly true of 16pf sten scores in the midrange on the profile, those lying between stens 4 and 7, and especially those at stens 5 and 6 Interpretation of these scores can be one of the more challenging aspects of providing feedback

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