[PDF] berytus


Berytus is situated in a seismically active area on the northwest-south Roum Fault and is about two dozen kilometres from the northeast-south Yamouneh Fault 16 The sixth century coincided with a phase of high seismic activity in

Linda Jones Hall: Roman Berytus Beirut in Late Antiquity

Berytus"; "Berytus was a city that valued its 'multi-cultural' confluence" (257) With regard to the leitmotif of identities, one cannot help but notice the black and white categorisation, which Hall applies to the individuals encountered in the sources In her exploration of 'identity' (almost always

Berytus in the Roman Period - ResearchGate

Berytus in the Roman Period G Abou Diwan and J Doumit INTRODUCTION Marshes and wetlands were significant features of the Lebanese landscape during antiquity

The Social Burden of Resilience: A Historical Perspective

90 km south of Antioch, and Berytus (Beirut, Lebanon), an-other 190 km southwest Antioch and Apamea were capitals of their provinces while Berytus was a major cultural center (Fig 1) Enough independent types of evidence survive to convey the extent of disruption Seismic activity in the region in-

The “Beauty of Palmyra” and Qasr Abjad (Palmyra): new

these pieces were published by him in Berytus,2 but a number were not From the diaries it has been possible to locate a number of tombs and set additional sculptures within their original contexts In the West necropolis (also known as the Valley of Tombs; fig 1) one particular tomb,

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