[PDF] doctrine capstone 2008

UN Peacekeeping Operations Capstone Doctrine

Capstone Doctrine Report of the TfP Oslo Doctrine Seminar 14 & 15 May 2008, Oslo Norway 1 Cedric de Coning and Petter Hojem are both with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, and Julian Detzel is with the University of Konstanz

Principles and Guidelines

2008 Over the past six decades, United Nations peacekeeping has evolved into a complex, global undertaking During this time, the conduct of United Nations peacekeeping operations has been guided by a largely unwritten body of principles and informed by the experiences of the many thousands of men and women who have served in

Principes et Orientations

2008 Au cours des soixante dernières années, le maintien de la paix des Nations Unies est devenu une activité complexe qui s’étend sur tous les continents Tout au long de cette période, la conduite des opérations de maintien de la paix a été guidée par un ensemble de principes non


1 Adapted from the UN Peacekeeping Operations – Principles and Guidelines (the Capstone Doctrine), UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Department of Field Support, 2008 2 International Forum for the Challenges of Peacekeeping Operations, Considerations for Mission

United Nations Peacekeeping Offensive Operations: Theory and

(Capstone Doctrine) make no provision for the strategic and operational guidance for offensive operations The use of force in the Capstone Doctrine is directed to influence military spoilers and ‘not seek their defeat’ (UN DPKO/DFS, 2008: 35) Where it must be recognised that the UN has published an official


4 Army doctrine is a body of thought on how Army forces operate as an integral part of a joint force Army leaders who employ forces in operations under the guidance suggested by the doctrine are its primary audience Doctrine acts as a guide to action rather than a set of fixed rules Capstone doctrine establishes the Army’s view of the

Making UN Peacekeeping More Robust: Protecting the Mission

development of doctrine, from the Brahimi Report in 2000 2 to the Capstone Doctrine3 in 2008, and more recently by the New Horizon discussions, all of which show a concern for robustness Even strong coalitions like NATO have encountered difficulties, and have been obliged to decide between trying to overcome them by adopting


keystone and the capstone" (Ensign, May 1987, 83) The keystone and the capstone teach us about the Savior, who is the cornerstone of our religion (Ephesians 2:20) These scriptures also testify of the Savior and of the truthfulness of His gospel Today's lesson is designed to introduce this year's study of the Doctrine and Covenants

Revolution in Army Doctrine: The 2008 Field Manual 3-0

Revolution in Army Doctrine: The 2008 Field Manual 3-0, Operations February 2008 Introduction U S Army doctrine is more than just words in a document—it provides substantial guidance to the Army and others for an extended period of time It influences force structure and organizational design, training, materiel development and

Principles and Guidelines for UN Peacekeeping Operations

Appendix A United Nations Peacekeeping Doctrine Framework 126 Appendix B Selected Glossary of Acronyms and Terms 128 Appendix C The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 132 Appendix D Secretary-General’s Bulletin on International Humanitarian Law 137 Appendix E Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) 139

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