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Mining Design Pattern Use Scenarios and Related Design Pattern

Design Patterns with Matching Stack Overflow Tags. ID. Design Pattern. Tag. 1. Abstract factory abstract-factory. 2. Active record activerecord. 3. Adapter.

Mining Design Pattern Use Scenarios and Related Design Pattern

Design Patterns with Matching Stack Overflow Tags. ID. Design Pattern. Tag. 1. Abstract factory abstract-factory. 2. Active record activerecord. 3. Adapter.


Réutilisation dans les SI : patrons de conception

Ouvrage : User Centered System Design Donald Ralph Johnson & John Vlissides ; Design Patterns: ... des éléments très stables. – java.util par exemple ...

Security of micro-controllers: From smart cards to mobile devices

20 mars 2017 Stack Overflow/Underflow Attacks . ... Therefore smart card manufacturers can design their own Java Card.

An Exploratory Study on the Repeatedly Shared External Links on

8 avr. 2021 Abstract On Stack Overflow users reuse 11

Recommending Insightful Comments for Source Code using

6 juil. 2018 Index Terms—Stack Overflow code examples

Supporting Named Entity Recognition and Document Classification

Stack Overflow social site describe them with further meta information

An exploratory study on the repeatedly shared external links on

8 avr. 2021 Abstract On Stack Overflow users reuse 11

Modeling Stack Overflow Tags and Topics as a Hierarchy of Concepts

12 juil. 2019 cal concept model of Stack Overflow the questions become more ... domain that the question belongs to (e.g. android ios