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“The philosophical foundations of Chapter 24 of TGT: Is mankinds

Abstract. It is difficult to advance a point beyond what Keynes himself commented about his own vision in The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money 

The Socio-?Economic Philosophy of Keynes: Lessons for the 21st

The core ideas of such a philosophy are summarised in the chapter 24 of the General Theory of. Employment Interest and Money (1936) where Keynes provides us 

Etre Keynésien au XXI siècle: Patriotisme économique ou

24 sept. 2015 Mots clés : Keynes nationalisme économique

him to live wisely and agreeably and well” (p.13). However

John Maynard KEYNES - Théorie générale de lemploi de lintérêt et

1 Nous pensons particulièrement à l'Esprit des Lois Livre XXII

Keyness General Theory After 75 Years: Chapter 24 and the

The Great Financial Crisis led to a revival of interest in 'Keynesian' economic policy understood as temporary

Les peurs au travail Dirigé par Alain Max Guénette et Sophie Le

to achieve Keynes' optimistic vision some Keynes argued

Permanent On-The-Spot Job Creation—The Missing Keynes Plan

dedicated an entire chapter to public works alone.4 And while contemporary fiscal policies try to stabilize consumption and private investment Keynes.

Débats monétaires autour de la dévaluation du franc de 1969

de ne jamais perdre de vue les propos de Keynes qui en conclusion du chapitre 24 de la Théorie Générale affirmait dévaluation ou une dépréciation du ch.

Keynes et Walras: une critique implicite

31 oct. 2017 Loi de Say critique keynésienne