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26 juin 2013 A Discussion Paper for the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament ... Relocation Mechanism the use of an EU Distribution Key for the.

Punching Below Its Weight: The Role of the European Parliament in

30 juil. 2021 two Refugee Relocation Decisions (Council Decisions 2015/1523 and 2015/1601) under ... committee has supported a binding distribution key.


The refugee and migrant crisis in Europe has exposed the need for reform of the. Common European Asylum System in general

The Implementation of the Common European Asylum System

8 sept. 2010 new system based on a distribution key. ... (2015) “BEYOND DUBLIN” A Discussion Paper for the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

Resettlement of refugees: EU framework

21 mars 2016 Michel (ALDE Belgium)

Resettlement of refugees: EU framework

Michel (ALDE Belgium)

Punching Below Its Weight: The Role of the European Parliament in

two Refugee Relocation Decisions (Council Decisions 2015/1523 and 2015/1601) under consultation committee has supported a binding distribution key.

EU Legislation in Progress - Crisis and force majeure regulation

11 janv. 2021 Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council addressing situations of ... Damian Boeselager (Greens/EFA Germany).


The Greens / European Free Alliance in the European Parliament. Rue Wiertz ... dures and a fair distribution of asylum seekers in.

The Return Directive 2008/115/EC European Implementation

The return and readmission of irregular migrants in Europe has been a key priority for (Greens/EFA the Netherlands) was appointed as the rapporteur.

Silence is not enough - greens-efaeu

2 www greens-efa eu common European resettlement programme with binding obligations for Member States to take refugees according to a fair distribution key which would take into account the size of the population economic indicators as well as the number of refugees already taken While the UNHCR is calling for 370 000


4 Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament: Climate refugees: Legal and Policy Responses to Environmentally Induced Migration Carried out at the request of the Committee on Civil Liberties Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament

Searches related to distribution key for relocating refugees greens/efa filetype:pdf

Rasmus Andresen Greens/EFA Margrete Auken Greens/EFA Kira Marie Peter-Hansen Greens/EFA Manuel Bompard The Left Malin Björk The Left Katrin Langensiepen Greens/EFA Mick Wallace The Left Özlem Demirel The Left Clare Daly The Left Eleonora Evi Greens/EFA Tineke Strik Greens/EFA Ausra Maldeikiene PPE Bronis Ropé Greens/EFA

How do member states work together on refugee resettlement?

Why did the EU decide to relocate 120 000 refugees?

How do refugees feel about the organization of distributions?

How many refugees are in need of resettlement in 2023?