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Decorator and Factory

Lecture Goals. • Cover Material from Chapters 3 and 4 of the Design Patterns Textbook. • Decorator Pattern. • Factory and Abstract Factory Pattern.

Strategy Bridge & Factory

The Strategy Pattern. • The Bridge Pattern. • The Abstract Factory Pattern Or lets you vary behavior across subclasses of some abstract class.

Design Patterns Abstract Factory Pattern

This pattern is one level of abstraction higher than factory pattern. • This means that the abstract factory returns the factory of classes.

Factory and Proxy Patterns Alexandre Denault Original notes by

Human vs Orc Factory patterns are examples of creational patterns ... Use the Abstract Factory pattern in any of the following situations:.


Admin will have different user interface when compared to other users but some of only one instance of a concrete factory in abstract factory pattern ...

Creational Patterns Factory Method

Method pattern: Product. The product class is an abstract class that is the superclass of objects produced by the Factory Method pattern.

Software Engineering - The Factory Method Design Pattern

The Factory Method Design Pattern. Example / Motivation -. A Possible Implementation of the Framework public abstract class Document {.

The Factory Method Design Pattern

The Factory Method Design Pattern. Example / Motivation -. A Possible Implementation of the Framework. 6 public abstract class Document {.

Some GoF Design Patterns: Adapter Factory

and Strategy

Modélisation UML

Modèles descriptifs vs prescriptifs. Descriptifs Modèles statiques vs dynamiques ... Ceux qu'on va voir : Abstract factory Factory method