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Lecture 08 - Abstract Classes and Interfaces Part 1

Sometimes a superclass is so abstract that it cannot be used to create any specific instances. Such a class is referred to as an abstract class.

Inheritance & Abstract Classes

The subclass has direct access to all fields that are public and protected. • The subclass can override the definitions of inherited methods with new 

CSE 143 Java What is a Generic Animal? Abstract Classes Abstract

29-Jan-2003 Abstract vs Concrete. • Cannot instantiate an abstract class (no new). • Like an interface. • A class that extends an abstract class can ...

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

An object cannot be created from abstract class. An abstract class cannot be instantiated using the new operator. We can still define its constructors 

Abstract classes vs. Interfaces

abstract. • An abstract method must be overridden and defined in a derived class so that objects of that class can be created (concrete class) 

CS61B Lecture #9: Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Abstract Methods and Classes. • Instance method can be abstract: No body given; must be supplied in subtypes. • One good use is in specifying a pure 

Abstract Classes and Interfaces Abstract Classes

06-Aug-2013 Abstract Classes. • A Java class that cannot be instantiated but instead serves as a superclass to hold common code and.


The purpose of an abstract class is to provide basic or default functionality as well as common functionality that multiple derived classes can share and 

Ben Langmead

Abstract classes. Ben Langmead It makes the class it's declared in an abstract class. • We cannot create a new object with the type though we may.

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

abstract methods in abstract classes. An abstract method can only be contained in an abstract class. In a nonabstract (a.k.a. concrete) subclass