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Computer Science & Engineering 155E Computer Science I

Counting Loops. A counter-controlled loop (or counting loop) is a loop whose repetition is managed by a loop control variable whose value represents a count 

Chapter 5

This is why it is called a pre-test. Note 3: This is a sentinel controlled loop (-1). 6. Page 2. 2. Flowchart view of while loop.

Repetition Examples Types of Loops while while Sentinel-controlled

Types of Loops. • Counting loop. – Know how many times to loop. • Sentinel-controlled loop. – Expect specific input value to end loop.

Repetition Sentinel Example Repetition Control Structures-II

Sentinel-Controlled while Loops. Example 1: Average of numbers. Example 2: Telephone Digits. Sentinel. Sentinel variable is tested in the condition. Loop ends 

The for Loop Accumulator Variables

and The

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded 3e

For sentinel-controlled loops. 1. Read before the loop (priming read). 2. Test input to make sure it is not the sentinel value. 3. Process.

Chapter 4 Loops

Java provides a powerful control structure called a loop which controls how many 4.2.4 Controlling a Loop with a Sentinel Value.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded 3e

Jan 3 2015 For sentinel-controlled loops. 1. Read before the loop (priming read). 2. Test input to make sure it is not the sentinel value. 3. Process.


variable but in exit controlled loop Control variable can be counter & sentinel variable. • Execution: In entry controlled loop each execution occurs by 

Week 7: Advanced Loops Loops in C++ Counting 5.7 Keeping a

after each iteration of the loop it stores the sum of the numbers added so far (running total) int days;. //Counter for count-controlled loop!

The C++ Language - Virginia Tech

Kinds of Loops !Event Controlled Loop Executes until a specified situation !Describes all types of loops !Count Controlled Loop Executes a specified number of times !Sentinel Controlled Loop Executes until a dummy value is encountered in the input 6 Event Controlled Loop (Example) int high = 20;int low = 0;

Loops Control Flow (order of execution) - Texas State University

l Count-controlled loop: body executes a specific number of times using a counter ? actual count may be a literal or stored in a variable l Count-controlled loop follows a pattern: ? initialize counter to zero (or other start value) ? test counter to make sure it is less than count ? update counter during each iteration 15 5 6 The

Difference between Sentinel and Counter Controlled Loop in C

Case Study: Using Sentinel Controlled Loops Formulating Algorithms with Top-Down Stepwise Refinement Problem becomes: Develop a class-averaging program that will process an arbitrary number of grades each time the program is run Unknown number of students How will the program know to end? Use sentinel value

Event-Controlled Loops Chapter 6 Input Data

A Sentinel-controlled Loop Requires a “priming read” A priming read is the reading of one set of data before the loop to initialize the variables in the expression 32 total = 0; cout > thisBP; // Sentinel controlled loop 33 // Sentinel controlled loop cont while(thisBP != -1) // While not

C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures

Case 2: Sentinel-Controlled whileLoops •A sentinel variable is tested in the condition •The loop ends when the sentinel is encountered •The following is an example of a sentinel-controlled whileloop: cin >> variable; //initialize the loop control variable while (variable != sentinel) //test the loop control variable {

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Requires a “priming read” before the loop starts ? so the sentinel is NOT included in the sum ? the loop can be skipped (if first value is the sentinel) 5 8 Sentinel controlled loop Sentinel example 7 • Example: !!!!! • Output: float total = 0 0; //Accumulator! float miles; //daily miles ridden!!

What is an example of a Sentinel controlled loop in C?

How do you repeat a loop with a Sentinel?

What are counter controlled loops?

What is a sentinel loop in a colonoscopy?