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How educational are educational apps for young children App store

Feb 23 2021 Educational Apps; early. Childhood; digital Play; mobile Devices; Four Pillars of Learning; digital Media. Young children are now exposed to ...

Learning on The Fingertips: The Opportunities and Challenges of

In this paper the educational Apps only refers to the application of mobile education

Educational Apps for Families

Educational Apps for Families. Bill Nye the Science Guy. An interactive multifaceted science app that will get kids excited about science.

Educational Apps for Families

Educational Apps for Families. Bill Nye the Science Guy. An interactive multifaceted science app that will get kids excited about science.


Educational Apps To Develop Speaking Ability And Grammar Mastery At. Senior High School (Sma Nasional Bandung)--Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of.

Apps Developed by Academics

The target of our research was educational apps developed by an educational expert in their specific area of training for teaching and learning purposes. We 

Parents Perceptions of Educational Apps Use for Kindergarten

May 27 2021 Over 50% of the educational apps available in the market are offered to preschool pupils

Mobile Learning via Educational Apps: An Interpretative Study

Mobile Learning Technology in Education

The Effects of Educational Apps on Student Achievement and

Students who sup- plement traditional classroom education with an app-based curriculum achieve 165% of their expected learning gains. These estimates are 

The Effects of Educational Apps on Student Achievement and

Students who sup- plement traditional classroom education with an app-based curriculum achieve 165% of their expected learning gains. These estimates are