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ArcPy Function Index

Converts Esri JSON or GeoJSON to ArcPy geometry objects. GeoJSON is a The Describe function returns a Describe object with multiple properties

Working with Raster Data Using Python

What can you do with raster in Python? • ArcPy modules for raster analysis. • Raster object. • Visualization and exploration of raster data.

Introduction to Geoprocessing Scripts Using Python

Clip raster datasets with Describe object properties. Exercise 3: Automate scripts with the ArcPy List functions .

Bibliothèque de scripts Python 2.7 pour ArcGIS 10.3.1

et arcpy à l'ENSG au DCAIG (Département de Cartographie et Analyse de l'Information génériques à partir du groupe de propriétés 'Describe Object'.


How do I access data properties? • arcpy.Describe(). - Returns a describe object. - Describe object has dynamic properties 

Hitchhikers Guide to Python and ArcGIS

A Spatial Analyst module ( to support map algebra What is the Python window? ... Geometry objects have properties that describe a feature.

Exercise 5: Geospatial Scripting in Python

This exercise focuses on using Python and ArcPy. Describe(image) – This creates a geoprocessing describe object. desc = arcpy.Describe(image).

FME Format Parameters

format for the parameter is four integers separated by spaces describing the lower left corner and Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data Reader Parameters.

Advanced Custom Raster Processing Using Python

Customize Raster Processing/Analysis with ArcPy. - Raster Object Describe. - Raster Dataset. - Raster Catalog. - Raster Band. Functions.

Darryl Mcleod

for fc in fclist: fcdesc = arcpy.Describe(fc) py. ( ) arcpy. What is Python Scripting? ... Basic scripting AND complex object-oriented programming.