The Download link is Generated: Download Digital Portfolios-Google Sites.pdf

Setting Sharing Permissions for Google Docs and Google Sites

view (no sign-in required) inserted onto a web page on a Google Site will allow. “anyone in the world” to view the Google. Document regardless of the document's.

Student Centered Digital Portfolios: Google Sites

Google sites has a much more user-friendly interface than traditional website building platforms. Student-Created. Allow students the freedom to create their.

A cloud abroad in Paris: a comparison of Google Sites and Microsoft

Google Sites not only performed 100 percent of the routine site management task in less time it did so with noticeably less effort than the Microsoft Office 

ePortfolio with Google Sites

EPORTFOLIO WITH GOOGLE SITES. Creating Your ePortfolio Site. 1 Go to and login with your Fisher network account.

1 Electronic Dossier Instructions Using Google Sites The University

The committee chose Google Sites to create the UWG dossier template and the format follows the UWG Faculty Handbook. This document contains directions for 

Google Sites Interview Portfolio

Side note: Classic Sites is set to be phased out by 2021. This date was pushed back due to delayed feature releases in New. Google Sites. With that being.