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Recognizing Greedy Structures


Etude des défauts dans les associations onduleur - machine

International Master in. Systems Control & Information. Technologies Page 2. 2. What is Automatic Control? Page 3 

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The

Jan 31 2014 a Univ. Grenoble Alpes

MA identification using fourth order cumulants

Abstract. The algorithm proposed aims to identify moving average coefficient matrices of an MA process not necessarily.

arXiv:2005.09435v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 19 May 2020

Grenoble Alpes INRAE

Three-dimensional linear articulatory modeling of tongue lips and

Jan 3 2002 Institut de la Communication Parle´e

HIGHLIGHTED TOPIC Neural Control of Movement

The dynamics of force generation has been well studied in limb muscles but far less is known about such dynamics in orofacial muscles.

Detecting induced subgraphs

Grenoble France. David Y. Lin2. Princeton University Grenoble

An Introduction to Empty Lattice Simplices

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Tire/road Friction Coefficient Estimation Applied to Road Safety

Abstract—Recent statistics show that a large number of traffic accidents occur due to a loss of control on vehicle by the driver.