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referred to as the „Warsaw Convention“ and other related instruments to the In the case of damage caused by delay as specified in Article 19 in the ...


(THE MONTREAL CONVENTION 1999) I and 2 of this Article


the Montreal Convention of 1999) directly address the issue of air carrier compensation Article 19 of the Montreal Convention provides inter alia

La convention de Montreal conclue le 28 mai 1999

En cas de dommage subi par des passagers résultant d'un retard aux termes de l'article 19

Act 4 Civil Aviation (Montreal Convention 1999 Act

15 févr. 2016 (a) 19 Special Drawing Rights per kilogramme in the case of destruction loss

Reflections On Liability of Air Carriers for Delay

1 déc. 2017 Montreal Convention of 1999.2 As long as the flight at the time of booking was ... Article 19 (Delay) provides that “[the] carrier is liable.

Air Carrier Liability for Delay: A Plea to Return to International

19 opened for signature May 28

Révision 2019 des limites de responsabilité prévues par la

30 déc. 2009 (Convention de Montréal de 1999) les limites de responsabilité qui sont établies dans les articles 21 et 22 de ladite Convention et ...

19. Convention de lOUA sur la Prévention et la Lutte contre le

Résolus à éliminer le terrorisme dans toutes ses formes et manifestations ;. SONT CONVENUS DES DISPOSITIONS CI-APRES : PARTIE I. CHAMPS D'APPLICATION. Article 

International Conference on Air Law: Volume I - Minutes

2 janv. 2019 Agenda Item 9 : Consideration of the draft Convention. Chapter 111 Article 20. Ninth Meeting of the Commission of the Whole