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Simulating Multi-Million-Robot Ensembles

millimeter robotic modules called Claytronic atoms or catoms

A Modular Robotic System Using Magnetic Force Effectors

explorations into the underlying ideas of the Claytronics project [2] which is investigating robot which uses a combination of permanent magnets and.

Beyond Audio and Video: Using Claytronics to Enable Pario

ous practical applications ranging from shape-shifting radio antennas (important for software-defined radios) to 3D fax machines.


Claytronics technology is currently being researched by Professor Seth Goldstein and Professor Even though the mentioned applications are possible the.

Claytronics – An Unimaginable Shape Shifting Future Tech.

matter that uses Nano tech robotics to take shape and or medical similarly the future applications of Claytronics is beyond the imagination with the ...

Carnegie Mellon University and Intel are at work to create 3-D

Claytronics is the future of information technology conceived by Seth through the magic of claytronics. ... sumer applications that cover the spec-.

Programmable Matter

Jun 1 2005 is a joint effort ... The idea behind claytronics is nei- ... One application of an ensemble

Claytronics RSS – 6/11/05 Ensemble of claytronic atoms ... Claytronics & Pario. • Open up an entire new application space. – Antennas.

Collective Actuation (Extended Abstract)

Claytronics aims at relatively unusual applications such as 3D visualization self-reconfigurable antennas

audio video pario

Aug 30 2004 Joint work with Sitti