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then B?(t) coincides with the standard Brownian motion B(t). exp. (27. K(s)dBµ(s) +. -


layer and B and B are exciton creation and annihila- 1 exp(iq.r). 2? w²-q²c²+i0 q exp. ??. W. +77. +vV (12). Y ... ?(w/c) #8722;(k+b)².

1.1 1-D Spectra via Method of Stationary Phase

the Fourier transform of a 1-D complex-valued function f [x] expressed in parts of exp [+i?x4]; (b) real and imaginary parts of exp [?2?i ? x ? 4]; (c) ...


3/25 [v(x) exp(-cx²/2) dx. X exp(-2. (?xx)}. 1. $. 1 xvk k x > 0 and denotes the standard normal distribution function.


in Ramanujan by G. H. Hardy [14] and in Ramanujan the Man and the 1+. ¹+¹)/²(a+?)(a+?q)? (a+?q #8722; ... (B) = ?(?-²21/5 )Exp ( 15²1 - 50 ) + 0(1)


layer and B and B are exciton creation and annihila- tion operators. 34(8

fine structure of hermitian - symmetric spaces

We express them as coset spaces of Lie groups and X = G/P 1}. Joseph A. Wolf a. Go = (+ (22): 191² - 1b

² = 1)


B and B are creation and annihilation operators for exci-

k=0Y and the long-range part is given by J?


0. 8.1 for. 8.1 r b)1(. )a1( where ? is earth station latitude (degrees). calculated using: ( ). dB exp. 1. 5. 5.0 exp. 115. 3/1.


The operator formalism for Chern-Simons theories with gauge group G and if g is a map which winds n; times around 6; and around aj i.e.