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18 janv. 2018 Human Rights Watch a rassemblé des informations sur les viols commis en 2015 et en 2016 par des membres des Imbonerakure ou de la police—parfois ...

Human Rights Watch

30 janv. 2015 jAnvier 2015 · human rIghts watch · 1. Page 5. 2 · raPPort mondIaL: ExtraIts En françaIs ... autres dont des étrangers

Human Rights Watch

12 janv. 2019 ont été contraints de regagner leur pays depuis 2015. Un rapport publié par Human Rights Watch en 2017 a démontré que des militaires avaient ...

Human Rights Watch

5 janv. 2017 Trump a même joué avec l'idée de réintroduire la torture notamment le ... Selon un rapport de Human Rights Watch de 2015 sur les abus de la.

Human Rights Watch

6 janv. 2014 2 · rapport MonDiaL: extraitS en françaiS ... l'intervention militaire de l'OTAN en Libye en 2011 où l'OTAN a été largement perçue.

Human Rights Watch

28 janv. 2016 30


9 janv. 2020

Human Rights Watch

6 janv. 2013 2 · rAPPort monDiAL: extrAits en frAnçAis ... élections de 2015 ? ... Kadhafi en Libye pour qu'ils y soient torturés et le Royaume-Uni doit ...

Février 2015

23 févr. 2015 Organisation mondiale contre la torture ... 32 Cf. Human Rights Watch News: Libya: June 1996 killings at Abu Salim prison


5 juil. 2016 Ce rapport est fondé sur les interviews de 32 hommes et femmes transgenres qui ont subi des examens anaux forcés. Human Rights Watch a aussi ...


Nov 16 2015 · March 2015 which focused on the situation of human rights defenders in Libya This report includes information on the human rights situation in Libya including on violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and abuses of human rights committed between 1 January and 31 October 2015 2 Summary

Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH RAPPORT MONDIAL 2015 ÉVÉNEMENTS DE 2014 Version abrégée en français Rapport mondial 2015 Événements de 2014 à la Libye et au-delà Irak En Irak l’EIIL doit


This report describes the situation of human rights defenders in Libya against the backdrop of severely deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situations since the escalation of armed conflicts in May 2014 in the east of the country and in July 2014 in the west


HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH RAPPORT MONDIAL LIBYE – 2015 Les querelles politiques internes et les affrontements entre milices rivales se sont intensifiés déclenchant des conflits armés à Benghazi et dans d’autres parties de l’est du pays en mai et à Tripoli et dans ses environs en juillet

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people worldwide We scrupulously investigate abuses expose the facts widely and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice

LIBYA 2015 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT - United States Department of

LIBYA 2015 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Libya is a parliamentary democracy with a temporary Constitutional Declaration allowing for the exercise of a full range of political civil and judicial rights Citizens elected the House of Representatives (HoR) in free and fair elections in June 2014

Human Rights Watch’s Submission to the Committee against

Human Rights Watch’s Submission to the Committee against Torture on Ethiopia September 2010 Introduction This memorandum provides an overview of Human Rights Watch’s concerns and recommendations regarding serious patterns of torture and other cruel inhuman and degrading treatment in Ethiopia Human Rights Watch’s reports are based


Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people worldwide We scrupulously investigate abuses expose facts widely and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice

Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel

In the report the Special Rapporteur explores the international legal framework and standards protecting children deprived of their liberty from being subjected to torture or other ill-treatment and from experiencing developmentally harmful and torturous conditions of confinement

MALI 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT - US Department of State

Significant human rights issues included: unlawful or arbitrary killings including extrajudicial killings by both government and nonstate actors; forced disappearance by government forces; torture and cases of cruel inhuman or degrading treatment by government forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or

torture at Guantanamo Bay and other interrogation sites were

Aug 14 2015 · history when these human rights violations were publicly known By not taking a clear stance against torture APA indirectly aligned itself with voices legitimizing state-sponsored violence and oppression against marginalized groups in nations around the world Turning a blind eye to torture of any human is in opposition to the ethical principle

Who is the Special Rapporteur on torture?

What did Human Rights Watch do to the de-tainees?

What does Human Rights Watch do to investigate human rights violations?

What is the UN doing to prevent torture in prisons?