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A Cross-Lingual Dictionary for English Wikipedia Concepts

WordNet: A lexical database for En- glish. Communications of the ACM 38. D. Milne and I. H. Witten. 2008. Learning to link with. Wikipedia. In CIKM.

A Novel Wikipedia based Dataset for Monolingual and Cross

Nov 10 2021 The Wikipedia dataset consists of English and. German articles

WikiHist.html: English Wikipedias Full Revision History in HTML

Data and code are publicly available at 1 Introduction. Wikipedia constitutes a dataset of primary importance for.

WikiLinkGraphs: A Complete Longitudinal and Multi-Language

Apr 4 2019 present a complete dataset of the network of internal Wiki- ... English Wikipedia

WIT: Wikipedia-based Image Text Dataset for Multimodal

Mar 3 2021 datasets is the number of languages covered. By transitioning from. English-only to highly multilingual language datasets

A Large Scale Dataset for Content Reliability on Wikipedia

Jun 1 2021 this gap

Wiki-40B: Multilingual Language Model Dataset

A graph-structured dataset for Wikipedia research

Mar 20 2019 the temporal evolution of Wikipedia hyperlinks graph. Bellomi and Bonato conducted a study [3] of macro-structure of English. Wikipedia network ...

Text Segmentation as a Supervised Learning Task

Mar 25 2018 For this work we have created a new dataset

Citation Detective: a Public Dataset to Improve and Quantify

To fill this gap we present Citation Detective