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How and why do college students use Wikipedia?

concerning Wikipedia based on social cognitive theory among the well-educated and college students than among ... Kenny (2008) suggests.

Learning Topic Hierarchies for Wikipedia Categories

26 lug 2015 tables as well as corresponding unstruc- tured text descriptions. Such a hierarchy is important for information browsing doc-.

Structured cospans

22 mag 2019 Brendan Fong has developed a theory of decorated cospans which is well suited for describing 'open' networks. John Baez and Kenny Courser ...


Nelson KB Bingham P

Culture Collections

expression as well as HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) amplification2

chaoter 5 - The Dunning–Kruger Effect: On Being Ignorant of Ones

That boundary often insinuates itself well within the geography of everyday ignorance in their own life they will

The Secret Life of Wikipedia Tables

16 ago 2021 Tables on the web such as those on Wikipedia

Learning Topic Hierarchies for Wikipedia Categories

26 lug 2015 tables as well as corresponding unstruc- tured text descriptions. Such a hierarchy is important for information browsing doc-.

Annuario accademico 2021-2022

9 giu 2022 HALLEUX A. DE La définition christologique à Chalcédoine

Technology in Literacy Education: A Wiki for Classroom Writing

wiki technology to enhance collaboration between ciated with well-recognized organizations so your ... Bethany commented to Kenny. "You made a lot of.