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Problem set 2

modIMG = real(ifft2(abs(adelsonFT).*exp(i*angle(peppersFT)))); imagesc(modIMG); colormap gray axis image

Image Transforms and Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain

Feb 19 2007 in fft2 and ifft2

Fourier approximation. Applications to Image Processing

The normalization for the inverse Fourier transform (ifft2) is got by multiplying by f2=ifft2(F)*sqrt(M*N); f2=real(f2);% chopping small complex values due 

1 Preliminaries 2 Exercise 1 – 2-D Fourier Transforms

The MAtlAB routines for computing the 2-D DFT and the inverse 2-D DFT are the routines fft2 and ifft2. Using the image files hardware.tif shuttle.tif

Review: Implementing Convolution with DFT

B = fft2(bluegill). K = fft2(kernel). C = B * K convolved = ifft2(C) deconved = ifft2(C / K) show_image(deconved). What will the resulting image look like?

A Phase Discrepancy Analysis of Object Motion

mMap2=abs(ifft2((Amp2-Amp1).*exp(i*Phase2)));. mMap=mat2gray(mMap1.*mMap2);. Frame1 and Frame2 are consecutive frames. In our experiment the size of.

Accelerating MATLAB with CUDA

Case A) FFT2.mex and IFFT2.mex. Mex file in C with CUDA FFT functions. Standard mex script could be used. Overall effort: few hours.

Introduction to Mathematical Programming

Nov 17 2018 Alow = uint8(ifft2(Atlow)); subplot(2

Fourier-Spectral Method for Navier-Stokes Equations in 2D

Dec 17 2014 w=real ( ifft2 (w hat update));. 83. 84. %Vel=sqrt(u.ˆ2+v.ˆ2);. %This is for plotting velocity. 85. 86 contourf(x

CMSC 764 Homework 2: Due Tues Feb 14 Just like before
