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Abstract. Distinguishing "comment" from allegations of "fact" within the defamation defence of fair comment has long been notoriously difficult.

JUDGMENT Spiller and another (Appellants) v Joseph and others

1 déc. 2010 difficult areas of the law of defamation the defence of fair comment. 2. Over 40 years ago Diplock LJ in Slim v Daily Telegraph Ltd [1968] ...

Submission by RTÉ on the Review of the Defamation Act 2009 by

Defamation law is largely Irish common law (non-statute law) which in turn is based on protected by the common law defence known as "fair comment".


Fair Comment and Criticism at. Common Law. English common law distinguished between fact and opinion in libel law and recognized an opinion defense under 


Fair Comment and Criticism at. Common Law. English common law distinguished between fact and opinion in libel law and recognized an opinion defense under 

Statement of Fact Versus Statement of Opinion -- A Spurious Dispute

the defense of fair comment in a libel or slander case to prove that the statements he made were "honest expressions of opinion on matters of.


22:21 Affirmative Defense — Fair Comment. 22:22 Affirmative Defense The “constitutionalization” of the law of libel under New York Times and its progeny.

Hutchinson v. Proxmire and the Neglected Fair Comment Defense

See generally ELDREDGE THE LAW OF DEFAMATION § 7 (1978) [hereinafter cited as ELDREDGE]; PROSSER

NewsBrands Ireland Submission on REVIEW OF THE

The “serious harm” test introduced in the UK Defamation Act 2013 in the U.K. defendants denied the claims and said the article was fair comment on a ...

You Cant Say That!! continued

founders and directors of the Centre for Sport and Law. They are regular There are four defences to a finding of defamation: consent fair comment

Defamation Act 2013 - Legislationgovuk

Defamation law is comprised of the torts of libel and slander Libel is the "publication of defamatory matter by written or printed words by its embodiment in physical form by any other form of communication that has the potentially harmful qualities characteristic of written or printed words "

The Law of Defamation - ACC

Fair Comment Test for the fair comment defence: 1 The comment must be on a matter of public interest; 2 The comment must be based on fact; 3 A reasonable person could honestly express such a comment on the basis of the proven facts; 4 The defamatory remarks while they may include inferences of fact must be recognizable as comment; 5

The Unfairness of Fair Comment: How the defence to defamation

Part I: The common law roots of defamation and fair comment Before delving into the troubles related to fair comment I will briefly discuss defamation The challenge of reforming the defence of fair comment is bound up in part with how Canadian jurisprudence has conceived of the onus of proof in defamation lawsuits 1 Defamation in common law

Fair Comment - The Extent Of The Public Interest Element

the District of Columbia version of the fair comment rule This varia-tion permits erroneous misstatements of fact about issues of public concern and protects the defendant unless the plaintiff s?ds in proving special damages i e pecuniary loss 7 This rule differs from

LEGAL LINK Defences to defamation - marvinhubermancom

The fair comment defence is available when the alleged defamatory words are comments (expressions of opinion) on matters of public interest The com-ment must be based on true facts The comment though it can include inferences of fact must be rec-ognizable as comment The comment must satisfy the following objective test: could any person

Is fair comment a defence under the Defamation Act?

Is a statement of fact defamatory?

What are the defences to defamation under civil law?

What is a defence to the publication of defamatory matter?