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CWS/10/6 Rev. Annex

JSON (JAVASCRIPT OBJECT NOTATION). Одобрено Комитетом по Стандартам ВОИС (КСВ) на своей десятой сессии 25 ноября 2022. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ. СТАНДАРТ ВОИС ST.97 

The JSON Data Interchange Syntax

"The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format" RFC 8259. This specification and [RFC 8259] both provide specifications of the JSON grammar 

The JSON Data Interchange Syntax

"The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format" RFC 8259. This specification and [RFC 8259] both provide specifications of the JSON grammar 

Database languages — SQL Technical Reports — Part 6: SQL

3) Clause 3 “JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)”

Final draft of the TC39 “The JSON Data Interchange Format” standard

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This Ecma Standard was adopted by a General Assembly postal vote in October 2013. Page 5 

Javascript Object Notation (JSON) Encoding Rules for ASN.1

mail to Javascript Object Notation (JSON) Encoding Rules for ASN.1. Objective Systems Inc. Page 2. Table of Contents. Summary.

RFC 4627: The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Category: Informational. July 2006. The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Status of This Memo. This memo provides 

RJSONIO: Serialize R Objects to JSON JavaScript Object Notation

January 31 2023. Version 1.3-1.8. Title Serialize R Objects to JSON

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight text-based

Комитет по стандартам ВОИС (КСВ)

27 сент. 2022 г. This Standard provides recommendations for designing creating or updating JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) resources for use in filing ...

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight text-based

RJSONIO: Serialize R Objects to JSON JavaScript Object Notation

Version 1.3-1.6. Title Serialize R Objects to JSON JavaScript Object Notation. Description This is a package that allows conversion to and from data in 

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) N. Williams Request for

This document describes the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) text sequence format and associated media type "application/json-seq". A.

Introduction to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

The JSON file (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard format that uses human?readable text to transmit data objects. It is the most.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) T. Bray Ed. Request for

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format. Abstract. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight text-based

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) P. Bryan Ed. Request for

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch. Abstract. JSON Patch defines a JSON document structure for expressing a sequence of operations to apply to a 

Network Working Group D. Crockford Request for Comments: 4627

The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Status of This Memo. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

The JSON Data Interchange Syntax

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and was inspired by the object literals of JavaScript aka. ECMAScript as defined in the ECMAScript Language 

A Review of JavaScript Object Notation in Data Analysis

Keywords: data format database


Technologies de l'information — Langages de base de données — SQL rapport techniques —. Partie 6: Support de SQL pour JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).