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vi Editor “Cheat Sheet”

VI “Cheat” Sheet. ACNS Bulletin ED–03. February 1995. File management commands. :w name. Write edit buffer to file name. :wq. Write to file and quit.


set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing This cheat sheet features the most important and commonly ...


CONDA CHEAT SHEET. Command line package and environment manager. Learn to use conda in 30 minutes at LINUX macOS: source activate py35 conda env list.


CHEAT SHEET for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. IP QUERIES. SUBCOMMAND Replace the entry for address to use MAC. 1:2:3:4:5:6 on em1 ...


Git Cheat Sheet. Day-To-Day Work. $ git status For GNU/Linux distributions Git should be available in the standard system repository.

Cheat sheet: Introduction to Bash For Linux and Mac OS Page 1

Cheat sheet: Introduction to Bash For Linux and Mac OS Page 1. About Filenames: Toplevel directory:/ Current directory:. Parent directory: .


Show Command Palette. Ctrl+P. Quick Open Go to File. Trigger parameter hints. Ctrl+Shift+I ... Open new command prompt/terminal. Ctrl+K Ctrl+H.

Windows & Linux keymap

Windows & Linux keymap. REMEMBER THESE SHORTCUTS. Smart code completion Default macOS keymap. REMEMBER THESE SHORTCUTS. Smart code completion. ??Space.

Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet

Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet. Basic Commands. Basic Terminal Shortcuts. CTRL L = Clear the terminal. CTRL D = Logout. SHIFT Page Up/Down = Go up/down the 

15-131 : Great Practical Ideas for Computer Scientists vim cheat sheet

vim cheat sheet Overwrite one character and return to command mode ... Ctrl+Shift+V Paste into file if in paste mode; Command+Shift+V for Mac ...