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Primer - Communication in ants

Investigation of numerous ant species demonstrated that a wide range of chemicals are used to mark pheromone trails and are produced by several different glands 

Pheromone communication in ants: a detailed analysis of

16 juil. 2014 theory of perception. Keywords Ant behavior • Communication • Pheromones •. Psychophysics • Weber's law. Introduction. Self-organization and ...

Signal variety and communication in social insects

1999) and ants acoustic signals can be produced by knocking pheromonal substances in the social insects' communication system is reflected.


Pheromone Communication in Social Insects. Ants Wasps

Working Together: Investigating the Formation of Ant Trails

pheromone communication effect the efficiency of ants' food collection from the environment to the nest. Creativity and critical thinking.

The Odorant Binding Protein SiOBP5

Alarm Pheromone Composition and Behavioral Activity in Fungus

6 janv. 2017 Keywords Leaf-cutting ant . Mandibular gland . Caste . Attini . Division of labor . Alarm pheromone. Introduction. Alarm communication is ...

Temperature limits trail following behaviour through pheromone

through pheromone decay in ants we isolated the effect of high temperatures on pheromone ... Many ant species use chemical communication to exploit.

Isolation of a Pyrazine Alarm Pheromone Component from the Fire

10 févr. 2010 the alarm pheromone of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta

Combined Use of Pheromone Trails and Visual Landmarks by the

honeybees communicate using waggle dances. (von Frisch 1967) and many ants use pheromone trails or ... Chemical communication is of great importance in.

Communication in ants - Cell Press

The use of multiple trail pheromones by a single ant species means that foraging communication can be more complex than is possible with a single pheromone Many foraging insects for example a worker honeybee can individually remember where they have foraged and can return to rewarding sites

How do ants use their pheromones?

How do ants communicate?

How do you calculate ant colony pheromone values?