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#TulsaFlop: A Case Study of Algorithmically-Influenced Collective

But fewer than 6200 people attended the rally

Risk Aversion Offsetting Community Effects

Anonymous QAnon

K-pop fans

Virtues Democracy

TikTok as a Digital Activism Space: Social Justice Under Algorithmic

to lower attendance at the Trump campaign rally in Tulsa Oklahoma in June of 2020. By first historicizing the importance of the initial date chosen by the 

Coronavirus Continues to Spread

Jul 1 2020 before his rally in Tulsa

Would You Sign a Liability Waiver to Attend an Event?

Trump's Tulsa rally waivers expose another pitfall in the return to live events: For some people the waiver itself may be more of an obstacle than the ...

2020 Wrapped

Jan 26 2021 down a bit

City of Tulsa

Feb 1 2018 Anticipated Attendance: Total: ... Is this a Monthly Event? If yes

The Presidents Shock at the Rows of Empty Seats in Tulsa

9 sept 2020 · Inside the campaign advisers believe disappointing attendance at the rally shows genuine fear of the coronavirus and the reality of 

Trumps Tulsa Rally Attendance: 6200 Fire Dept Says

8 juil 2020 · That was the total attendance at President Trump's rally in Tulsa Okla on Saturday according to the Fire Department

[PDF] Risk Aversion Offsetting Community Effects and COVID-19

Trump held his first mass campaign rally following the US coronavirus outbreak at the indoor Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) arena In the weeks following the event 

Tulsa official says 6200 attended Trump rally as campaign tries to

21 jui 2020 · Just fewer than 6200 people attended President Donald Trump's rally in Tulsa Oklahoma the Tulsa Fire Department said Sunday -- a figure 

Trump Says Nearly 1 Million People Have Requested Tickets To

15 jui 2020 · Amid a torrent of criticism both locally and nationally towards a controversial rally scheduled for June 20th in Tulsa President Trump 

Turnout At Trumps Tulsa Rally Was Just Under 6200–A - Forbes

21 jui 2020 · While President Trump's rally in Tulsa Oklahoma on Saturday was pitched as an over-subscribed event with Trump campaign staffers touting 

Trump Furious At Underwhelming Tulsa Rally Turnout - YouTube

21 jui 2020 · Sources close to the White House say President Trump is “furious” after turnout at his Tulsa campaign Durée : 2:33Postée : 21 jui 2020

Attendance at Trump Rally in Tulsa Falls Short of Expectations

21 jui 2020 · The President held his first campaign rally in months in Tulsa Oklahoma and raised eyebrows by calling Covid-19 “Kung-flu ”

[PDF] Tulsa Race Riot - Oklahoma Historical Society

A mob de stroyed 35-square-blocks of the Af ri can Amer i can Com mu nity dur ing the eve - ning of May 31 through the af ter noon of June 1 1921 It was a 

TikTok users K-pop fans credited with helping to sabotage Trump rally

21 jui 2020 · TikTok users and Korean pop music fans are being partly credited for inflating attendance expectations at a less-than-full arena at