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Airbnb in Paris: quel impact sur lindustrie hôtelière?

13 juil. 2018 ormandie. Centre de Recherche en Économie et Management. Center for Research in Economics and Management. Airbnb in Paris : quel impact sur.

Airbnb in Paris

1 mai 2017 define the macroeconomic effects of Airbnb's presence. To conclude the manuscript will ... 19 "Airbnb Economic Impact in France: Paris.

Explaining the diversity of policy responses to platform-mediated

10 sept. 2019 economy and tourism in Milan housing and land use in Paris

Economic impacts of Airbnb in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Spending by Airbnb guests totaled $16.4 US billion in 2021 equivalent to 4.9% of all direct tourism activity. This economic activity benefits each of the 

Les villes contre Airbnb? Locations meublées de courte durée

8 avr. 2021 (2019) Gouverner les villes numériques

The sharing economy and tourism

The sharing economy has had a positive impact on tourism as well as a number of cities (including Barcelona and Paris) have also fined Airbnb or its ...

What is happening in Paris? Airbnb hotels

Is Airbnb a sharing economy superstar? Evidence from five global

29 mars 2018 These listings are typically concentrated in high-demand residential areas (Ting. 2016). The economic impact is significant; for example in ...

The impact of regulatory approaches targeting collaborative

The impact of regulatory approaches targeting collaborative economy in the tourism accommodation sector: Barcelona Berlin


Economic Impact – Airbnb guests spend in the local area stimulating the local of more rural destinations