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EU population up to nearly 513 million on 1 January 2018

10 juil. 2018 On 1 January 2018 the population of the European Union (EU) was estimated at 512.6 million

First population estimates - EU population up to over 513 million on

10 juil. 2019 On 1 January 2019 the population of the European Union (EU) was estimated at ... Population change in the EU Member States during 2018.

Pertussis: Annual Epidemiological Report for 2018

Table 1. Distribution of pertussis cases and rates per 100 000 population by country EU/EEA

Syphilis - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2018

Table 1. Distribution of confirmed syphilis cases and rates per 100 000 population by country and year EU/EEA


Table 1. Distribution of confirmed gonorrhoea cases and rates per 100 000 population by country. EU/EEA

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 22.2.2017 SWD(2017) 89 final

22 fév. 2017 decline further to 1.7 % in 2017 and 1.4 % in 2018. ... the range observed in other EU countries for which data were collected in 2013-2014 ...


For 2018 30 EU/EEA countries reported data on malaria. Distribution of confirmed malaria cases and rates per 100 000 population by country and.

Chlamydia infection - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2018

Surveillance systems for chlamydia in Europe vary: 23 countries have per 100 000 population by country. EU/EEA

Population by Country of Birth and Nationality 2018

24 mai 2019 Of all non-British nationals living in Scotland in 2018 221


Twenty-eight countries – 26 EU Member States and two EEA countries (Iceland and Norway) – In 2018 the EU/EEA population-weighted mean consumption of ...