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National Planning Framework for Scotland 2

Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Joint Committee

4 juin 2021 2. Background. 2.1 Through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal the Scottish and. UK Governments committed to embarking ...

Review of Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS

Cumulative list of MSPs by constituency and region: Session 6

13 oct. 2021 Current MSPs by constituency and region. 2. Aberdeenshire East (North East Scotland). Gillian Martin (SNP). Aberdeenshire West (North East ...

PIB par habitant dans 281 régions de lUE - Le PIB régional par

26 févr. 2019 En 2017 21 régions disposaient d'un PIB par habitant situé 50% ou plus au-dessus de la moyenne de l'UE: cinq en Allemagne

EU Structural Funds in Scotland

10 avr. 2019 The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which aims to strengthen ... were four NUTS 2 regions in Scotland (see Map 1).

Community Risk Register

Community Risk Register / North of Scotland Regional Resilience Partnership //. Introduction. 01. This document highlights risks that have.

2. INSIGHT DEPARTMENT: HIGHLAND FACTSHEET 2019. Introduction observed across many Scottish regions in 2019 the Highlands also witnessed a big increase ...

Renewable electricity in Scotland Wales

2. INSIGHT DEPARTMENT: SCOTTISH BORDERS FACTSHEET 2019. Introduction for analysis of detailed data such as visitors' region of residence ...