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LECTURE 4 Consider a consumer with a two-period lifetime who

The above example usefully highlights the main motives for saving. 1. Consumption tilting motive. The Euler equation implies that the consump-.

Assessing External Sustainability in India - WP/99/181

First the consumption-tilting motive

Notes for Econ202A: Consumption

We can have positive financial wealth even if there is no bequest motive. assume that there is no tilt in consumption profiles that is ?R = 1.

ECOM 009 Macroeconomics B Lecture 4

If ?(1 + r) < 1 the consumption tilting motive implies a downward sloping consumption profile in the absence of a precautionary saving motive (assets would 

ECOM 009 Macroeconomics B Lecture 2

(2) Consumption smoothing motive. Assume ? (1 + r) = 1 (no consumption tilting motive) and income is stochastic. The Euler equation becomes.

Chapter 3 The Motives to Borrow by Antonio Fatás Atish R. Ghosh

13 sept. 2018 6 This abstracts from possible “tax-tilting” (analogous to “consumption-tilting”). If the government's subject.

The current account and precautionary savings for exporters of

5 mars 2011 motive the optimal consumption in the stochastic model is upward tilting (until resources are exhausted and uncertainty is resolved) and.

The current account and precautionary savings for exporters of

5 mars 2011 motive the optimal consumption in the stochastic model is upward tilting (until resources are exhausted and uncertainty is resolved) and.

Current Account Imbalances in AAEAN Countries: Are They a

not be the only reason to be concerned about the current account. Other relevant factors income according to the consumption-tilting motive.

Tariffs and the Current Account: The Role of Initial Distortions

decline) outweighs the consumption-tilting motive (associated with movements in the intertemporal terms of trade or consumption interest rate).