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U N E S C O Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies World

Mexico City 26 July - 6 August 1982 the Constitution of UNESCO. ... that in its widest sense

U N E S C O Déclaration de Mexico sur les politiques culturelles

Toutes les cultures font partie du patrimoine commun de l'humanité. L'identité culturelle d'un peuple se renouvelle et s'enrichit au contact des traditions et 

Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity Adopted by the General

Recalling that the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO affirms "that the wide Mexico City 1982)

Custodians of fragility

According to UNESCO's definition (1982) cultural heritage… <> [Accessed 15.

Your Guide to

The first Mondiacult took place in Mexico in1982. Mexico City Declaration on Cultural. Policies adopted at the end of the Conference

UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity adopted by La Déclaration universelle de l'UNESCO sur la diversité culturelle a été adoptée ... México 1982)

Traditional games music and oral tradition- Intangible tools in

UNESCO (1982) Culture. Normative Action. Mexico City. Declaration on Cultural Policies. World Conference on. Cultural Policies. México

The 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics (FCS)

Statistics draws from the definition in UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Cultural. Diversity namely that “Culture should be regarded as the set of 

Votre guide de

lieu en 1982 à Mexico. La déclaration de Mexico sur les politiques culturelles adoptée à l'issue de la conférence

2009 UNESCO FramEwOrk FOr CUltUral StatiStiCS

the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the UNESCO Culture Sector. Based on According to the 2001 UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity.
