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A Novel Parallel Algorithm for Edit Distance Computation

6 janv. 2018 Efficiency of the algorithm is also proven better in comparison to its competitor. Key Words: Edit Distance Levenshtein Distance

Using Phonologically Weighted Levenshtein Distances for the

23 févr. 2017 The Levenshtein algorithm [7] permits to calculate the edi- tion distance between two symbol strings that is the minimal number of symbol ...

Similarity Hashing Based on Levenshtein Distances

8 nov. 2016 The similarity hashing algorithm uses four sub-hash functions each producing its own hash value. The four sub-hashes are concatenated to ...

Levenshtein Distances Fail to Identify Language Relationships

Comparing the classifica- tion proposed by the Levenshtein distance to that of the comparative method shows that the. Levenshtein classification is correct only 

An Exact Graph Edit Distance Algorithm for Solving Pattern

26 juin 2015 A widely used method for exact graph edit distance computation is based on the A* algorithm. To overcome its high memory load while traversing ...

A Clonal Selection Algorithm with Levenshtein Distance based

8 avr. 2018 We propose the effective method of the Levenshtein distance to deduce the spatial proximity of image viewpoints and thus determine the specified ...

A novel approach for Word Spotting using Merge-Split Edit Distance

by comparing the strings of characters using the proposed Merge-Split Edit distance algorithm. Evaluation of the method on 19th century historical.

Melody Recognition with Learned Edit Distances

17 sept. 2008 Key words: Edit distance learning music similarity

Comparison of Levenshtein Distance Algorithm and Needleman

Keywords – Levenshtein Distance Algorithm. Needleman-Wunsch Distance Algorithm

Detecting English-French Cognates Using Orthographic Edit Distance

He provided formal recursive definitions of n-gram similarity and distance