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Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1 Choose the correct phrasal verb: go on May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1. Choose the correct phrasal verb: go on / pick 


P H R A S A L V E R B S W I T H " B R E A K ". 1. Fill i n the gaps using the correct phrasal verb with " break " . Remember t o use the correct tense .

Unit1 Phrasal Verbs

phrasal verbs that have a word separating the two parts. As such the meaning of a phrasal verb as a unit is usually very different from ... EXERCISE 1.

WORKSHEET 2 Phrasal verbs in context Things we do every day Food

These phrasal verbs are all about food. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box. rustle up dish up tuck into finish 

phrasal-verbs-exercise-2.pdf May be freely copied for peropsnal or classroom use. Phrasal Verbs Exercise 2. Choose the correct phrasal verb: give up 

Cambridge Phrasal Verbs In Use McCarthy.pdf

The book also has a key to all the exercises so that you can check your answers. At the back of this book you will find a useful Mini dictionary. This provides 


PHRASAL VERBS EXERCISE. Use the correct phrasal verb to fill the gaps. Choose among the following verbs and put them in the correct tense.

phrasal-verbs-exercise-4.pdf May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Phrasal Verbs Exercise 4. Choose the correct phrasal verb: look out 

Phrasal verbs

EXERCISES. 1 Read the sentences below. Try to work out the meaning of the phrasal verbs in bold. Then complete the table below using one of the meanings in 

Grammar Worksheet Phrasal Verbs: Get

GRAMMAR WORKSHEET. PHRASAL VERBS: 'GET'. • get ahead to progress. • get along (with) to be friendly with someone. • get away to escape. • get back.